
2021 Recap

"Bengong, bengong, bengong, tau-tau udah 2022 aja."
That is what I keep saying to myself because I still can't believe a year has passed so quickly. After the chaotic year of 2020, I didn't expect 2021 would be any different. But 2021 turned out quite good.
Here's my 2021 recap.
I recently picked up a new hobby, making content for my TikTok account. I'm still new on TikTok, and I'm still figuring out what kind of content I want to share on my account. And I also learned how to make scented candles. I planed to sell them online, but I still need to find the perfect formula, so let's hope I can find it in 2022.
According to my Spotify Wrapped 2021, I spent 108.422 minutes on it, so it was just made sense that I discovered a lot of new music from different languages on Spotify, and the latest was France. So, Bahasa Indonesia, English, Korean, Spanish, and France. I can't wait to discover more. 
There were so many places I visited this year. Thanks to my boyfriend, I got the chance to have a quick getaway, to distance myself from the hustle-bustle and draining work. Refreshed my mind by going to art exhibitions, lots of movies, and eating tons of mouth-watering foods.
Not only for fun stuff, but I think 2021 was also for personal growth and self-accepting.
After years of bottling everything up, and it got worsen day by day, I braced myself up to go to a psychologist. Online, of course, we're still in the middle of a pandemic. I finally can admit that I need professional help for my mental health. 
Learning about something new always excites me, which was why I decided to take several webinars and a course. All of those are not in a subject related to my background study. But hey, gaining knowledge is never going to be a waste.
I was also given the opportunity to run the company outing with my three other coworkers. It didn't stop there, my department was also given the task to run the Year End Party at my office. So we brainstormed everything, from decoration, to what kind of meat we would be buying. The event ran smoothly, I even hosted half of the event. It was definitely tiring, but when they said we did a really good job, all the stress and hassle were paid off.
And on the very last day of 2021, I made a huge decision for my life. It may be a disappointment for some people, but I'll just be disappointing myself if I don't make the decision. I can't please everyone, but all I can do is hope for the best that I'm not hurting anyone with this.
"I still need a good end for my 2021," I said to myself on 31 December 2021. So, there we were, my boyfriend and I, we went to a McDonald's drive-thru in Rawamangun, and I had an idea to say Happy New Year to the staffs we met. So I did. And it was one of the best ideas I had, ever. The smile on their eyes warmed my heart.
Despite all the ups and downs I had this year, few people helped me get through the day. My mother, my teammates, my close friends, and I can't thank this person enough because he is the shoulders I ran to and also the one who hold all of my broken pieces together, Michael Erlangga.
So in a way, 2021 was quite good for me. I don't know how 2022 would be like, but I'm sure as hell excited.

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