
Tugas Materi Softskill Bulan Pertama

A. Conditional Sentences
     Halaman 97, Latihan 21
  1. Henry talks to his dog as if it understood him.
  2. If they had left the house earlier, they would not have been so late getting to the airport that they could not check their baggage.
  3. If I finish the dress before Saturday, I will give it to my sister for her birthday.
  4. If I had seen the movie, I would have told you about it last night.
  5. Had Bob not interfered in his sister's marital problems, there would have been peace between them.
  6. He would give you the money if he had it.
  7. I wish they stopped making so much noise so that I could concentrate.


Secangkir Coklat Panas

Coklat Panas adalah minum favorit saya. Kenapa bukan kopi? Kebanyakan orang menyukai bahkan tergila-gila sama kopi, tapi saya engga. Simple, saya ngga suka kopi soalnya rasanya terasa begitu pahit ketika menyentuh lidah saya. Entah, mungkin lidah saya yg terlalu sensitif atau memang saya bukan termasuk golongan penggemar kopi. Tapi ngga masalah, saya punya yg lebih pas buat lidah saya, coklat panas.