
Minoritas #3

Tinggal di luar negeri bukan berarti gue jadi "merem" soal isu-isu di Tanah Air, karena tiap hari gue pasti baca berita tentang Indonesia. Kadang suka curi-curi waktu kerja sih buat baca berita hehehe. Dan yg lagi hangat-hangatnya ini menyangkut agama dan etnis yg melibatkan salah satu figur di pemerintahan. Ya udah pasti tahu kan lah ya siapanya.

Agak sedih sih sebetulnya ada isu kayak gitu.


You know when you look up to the sky and everything is all but gray and the sunlight can't even slip through the thickness of the dark clouds and the wind blows everything away. And you keep on looking. And looking. And looking. And you look up again, and there's a little bit of a peep hole forming up there. Then you take a glance at it, and you see a clear blue sky peeking out. Then you realize that no matter how dark the clouds are, or how loud the thunder might strikes, the blue sky is still up there. It doesn't go anywhere, it's just blocked by the clouds.

So just remember, the blue sky will always be there above all the dark gray clouds.


Kids, I'm going to tell you the story of how I met your...

One day, when I'm older, I'm gonna make my children sit down and hear me blabbering the story about how I met their father. And after I'm finish, my husband be like "You done? okay. Kids, you gotta listen to my version, way better".


"You can do it. Muda, single, good salary. Your life doesn't seem so bad." 

- sohib


As You Wake Up

I've always love when I'm the one who wakes up first.

I've always love when I open my eyes and see a face so peaceful that all the wars happen on earth suddenly disapppear. I've always love hearing the sound of his breathe so slow and sync with the rythm. I've always love when I see the slight movement on his eyes and wonder what is he dreaming about. I've always love when I slowly and carefully run my fingers to his baby hair and feel the curliness of it but also feeling scared that I might wake him up.


"Mampus kau dikoyak-koyak sepi"

- Chairil Anwar, Sia-Sia (Februari, 1943)


If you already have a problem on your own that you need to deal with, or you don't have the mood to read anything that could ruin your mood even more, please don't read this.


It's getting blurry here, from those faces I passed in the street until the hours upon hours that had spent. For once it was all technicolor, now it's all turn into gray where there's no black nor white. And there I am, still floating like a cotton blown by the wind, not knowing where it takes me.


"Resolusi itu ngga perlu muluk-muluk, yg penting dilakuin."

- Chairunnisa, orangnya males bikin resolusi, ga keurus soalnya -_-


I finally found my resolution for this year

I just remembered that I have another blogspot I specially made just for traveling content. This blog was created way back in February 2016 and up until now I only have one post there, just the introduction. I know, I know, I should start filling it up by moving all the traveling posts in here to there, but... the green monster called laziness still clung onto my back. And I'm still writing a lot in here. Kinda hard to manage 2 blogs at the same time.

Geez ca, stop the excuses already -_-

So I guess my resolution for this year is that I could start filling up the other blog with informative content. I hope. Well, let's hope. Bismillah!!

PS: I will share the link once it has more than 5 posts, so you have something to read other than just the introduction ;)


Wondering Thoughts

Have you ever wonder your place in this world? The true purpose of your existence?

Why am I born?
Why am I here?
Why am I... me?



"Segitu sulitnyakah bersikap baik ke orang lain tanpa melihat fisik, ras, dan agama mereka?"

- Udah ngga paham lagi gue -_-


Terima Kasih #2

Ada satu hal yg otak gue sadari ketika kemaren pulang ke Indonesia, bahwa beberapa masyarakat Indonesia masih susah untuk bilang "Terima kasih". Engga paham. Padahal turis-turis asing bilang kalo negara kita itu adalah negara yg ramah. Ramah tapi masih susah untuk bilang "terima kasih" kali ya hehehe.


When Someone Tried Out Your Recipe

Masih inget postingan gue tentang Carbonara On A Budget? Well, seminggu lalu gue dapet notification di Instagram, temen gue ada yg mention gue. Terus setelah gue buka, ternyata temen gue upload ini ke Instagramnya dia

Gilak lah! Seneng bukan kepalang gue, ada yg nyobain resep gue HAHAHAHA. Padahal gue ngga jago-jago amat masak. Gue seneng masak, cuma males aja. Tapi kalo lagi kepengen masak, ya gue masak kok.

Asli lah, seneng banget gue ada yg nyobain resep gue, dan mereka juga berhasil HAHAHAHA. Yuk, siapa lagi nih selanjutnya yg mau coba? Biar gue feature di blog ehehehehe.

Anw, makasih Silvi udah mau coba resepnyaaaa :)


Postingan telat

Sebenernya ulang tahunnya udah lewat banget, kadonya juga udah dibuka malah sebulan sebelum ulang tahun, tapi berhubung baru minggu lalu pulang ke rumah dan liat kadonya secara fisik, jadi sebagai tanda terima kasih gue, gue mau pamer disini (lah?).

Agak drama dikit sih ini sebenernya.

Jadi gue lagi di kantor, tau-tau:

Our Infinite Playlist

And we will have our own infinite playlist one day. You'll be sweet enough to let me take up more than half of space in it for my favorite songs, and I'll be the one who always presses the "forward" button every time your song comes up. And we'll sit on the porch in our house, you with your cup of coffee and me with my own hot chocolate. We'll take a sip from each other's cup every now and then, my head rests on your shoulder where it always belongs, our hair as grey as the road, and our infinite playlist played in the background as the sun starts to set.


Here I am again

Here I am again, the same place I was in before. In the same moment that had happened before. Got the same feeling that breaks my heart like before. Listenning to the same song I played before and put on the same repeat.


Dancing Lights

It was all so surreal as I stood by the balcony staring at the distant horizon.

You know when the concert is about to start, sometimes they light the fire along the border line of the stage to build up the mood? It was very much like that, but more like standing in the stage, instead of standing in the front row as the viewer.


"Ketika manusia bikin rencana, disaat itulah Tuhan ketawa ngakak."

- Yaudahlah ketawa bareng bareng aja biar enak, ya ngga?