
One of those days.

There were those days when it was way too loud inside my head. I heard things, so many things, all at once, and they were screaming to get my attention. So I screamed back at them, begging them to shut up. But they just wouldn't listen, and it started to got way too crowded in there.


Sendirian Time! #2

Jadi hari ini gue bosen banget dikosan. Luna lagi balik ke rumah Umi, jadilah gue sendirian. Tadinya pengen ke Gramed aja yg deket sekalian liat-liat, tapinya kalo ke Gramed ngga mungkin tangan sama mata bisa tahan buat ngga beli. Apalagi ada beberapa judul novel yg emang harus gue beli karena itu lanjutan dari novel seri yg udah gue punya.

"The prettiest smile hide the deepest secrets. The prettiest eyes have cried the most tears. And the kindest hearts have felt the most pain. But she still ALRIGHT."

- Karina Shafira, my dear friend who always wrote beautiful quotes like that.


You ARE Enough.

That’s the thing about the people of presence, and the open hearted. When they love, they love fiercely. Completely. That is what they offer. The whole thing. And when they love, they accept all of you. They will love the beautiful parts. Deeply. But they will also love the parts you think are ugly…the parts you spent your entire life trying to hide. From the world. The parts you even tried to hide from yourself.


Lika-liku pejuang skripsi

Icha mau curhat boleh ngga sih? Curhat dulu ya, gapapa kan?

Jadi hari ini sebenernya udah gue susun semua rencananya. Pokoknya yang pertama itu ambil hardcover terus minta tanda tangan papah alias dp (dosen pembimbing), begitu dapet tanda tangan papah langsung cus ke loket perpus buat minta cap barcode upload jurnal sama presentasi sidang, tungguin sampe selesai, abis itu langsung ngacir lagi ke loket 14 buat minta tanda tangan Pak Edi.

“I think that one thing I’m really afraid of is that magic doesn’t last. That butterflies and daydreams and love, all these things that I hold so dear, are going to leave some day. I haven’t had a relationship that’s lasted forever. I only know about them starting and ending. Those are my fears. I spend a lot of time balancing between faith and disbelief.”

- Taylor Swift.


Padam. Lagi.

Entah ada gerangan apa, tiba-tiba namanya muncul tanpa diduga. Ia menyapa untuk kedua kalinya setelah yg pertama padam begitu saja. Awalnya kukira akan ada banyak kata yg tergulir walau tanpa suara seperti masa sebelumnya. Namun nyatanya belum sampai detik ke 3600, ia mematikan semuanya. Aku hanya terdiam, tak tahu harus menjawab apa. Semua kembali seperti yg pertama, padam begitu saja.

Depok, 25 Februari 2015


Junita Sari, S.E.

Cieeee yg akhirnya udah lulus. Akhirnya lu nyusul gue juga Jun, gue ngga sendirian deh. Lulus SMA barengan udah, sekarang kita lulus dunia perkuliahan bareng. Wisuda doang yg misah, gue Desember, lu April. Semoga kita bisa lulus bareng-bareng terus ya Jun, bahkan sampe lulus pengadilan tertinggi Yang Maha Kuasa. Aamiin.


Learn From Taylor Swift

Let's we learn from Taylor Swift.

Few years ago, she was dating Harry Styles whom she loved so much. But then, he was cheated on her and flirting with other girl. Apparently, he didn't know what he got. She was broken hearted. She put her misery to her songs. She wrote songs about him.


"It's scary knowing that one was the person you loved so much for years and then universe put its cruel twist on you, you fell out of love with this person. And in the blink of an eye this person become somebody that you used to know. Just like that, all the time you spent with this person disappear. Like it was never exist in the first place. They're all gone. Vanish."

- Chairunnisa, after having a conversation with Luna just 15 minutes ago.

Instant Driver

One little tips from me to all of you guys:

Do not uninstall Go-jek, or Grab Taxi, or anything that provided the same service, ever. Because no matter how rarely you use their service (or perhaps never), you'll find them incredibly useful in future desperate times.


Lupa Tanggal (Dialog Hari Ini, 14 Oktober 2015)

Tahu kan gimana kita-kita (terutama gue) suka lupa tanggal kalo udah libur panjang atau lulus sekolah? Nah salah satu contohnya kejadiannya adalah hari ini, persis 5 menit yg lalu sebelum gue nyalain laptop dan buka Blogger.

(via telepon)
Gue: Halo Assalamu'alaikum 
Dosen Pembimbing: Wa'alaikumsalam 


Mahasiswa Baru (Dialog Hari Ini, 13 Oktober 2015)

Di Warteg belakang kosan.
Gue: Pak mau pak bungkus ya satu.
Bapaknya: Setengah kan nasinya?
Gue: Iya.
Terus si Ibu nongol dari dapur sambil senyum ke gue.

Just Another Thing

Sometimes we were so caught up on this idea of a person, of someone.

Maybe because of all those shimmers that glowing around their smiles. Or maybe because of all that sense of adventurousness we found on this person. Or maybe because of all those stupid love songs we heard blasting through the radio. Or maybe because of all those daydreams we had about this person.


"I don't write to please people, I write to please my own self and to fulfill my own needs." 

- Chairunnisa. 

Humans and The Universe

You know how humans always look up to the sky and wonder are there others? Maybe that's what our nature truly is, curious. We just can't accept the idea of "We're the only living thing in the universe.". Because the universe is a big place, and it would be such a huge waste if we're the only one in here, right?



Akhir-akhir ini sering banget denger temen curhat tentang masalahnya. Bukan sekedar masalah ngambek sama pacar atau masalah bahan kebaya buat wisuda, tapi beneran masalah hidup yg... pelik. Yg bener-bener bikin otak jadi akrobat buat mikir solusinya. Masalah yg kayak gitu pokoknya, paham kan? Paham dong, kan pada pinter :)


"Berdoa sama Allah ngga boleh maksa harus dikabulin, harus tetep pasrah, tetep tawakal, karena belum tentu apa yg kita minta itu baik untuk diri kitaPercaya sama Allah, Allah tahu yg terbaik. Dan ngga ada yg ngga mungkin bagi Allah."

- Junita Sari, di sela-sela makan indomi + pancong di deket rumahnya kemarin lalu.


Funny Thing

"Why does it still bother me?"
I like reading my old writings. It's like travel back to moments, pictures, and feelings. Nostalgia. So many things that once were there but now they aren't. Some I want to relive, some I just want to take its lessons. But they all matter to me.

Sabda Rindu

Lalu gadis itu titipkan
Rindunya pada angin,
Diukirnya dengan indah di atas awan,
Dialunkannya merdu di tengah lautan,


Pasca Sidang

"What do you want to do next?"
That would probably the question that always pops up in my mind. And the answer that always comes afterward is:
"I have no idea."


When we miss a plane, lose a job, or find ourselves unable to marry the person we want, have we ever stopped to consider the possibility that it may have been for our own good? Allah tells us in the Qur’an:
"…But perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for you; and perhaps you love a thing and it is bad for you. And Allah Knows, while you know not." (Qur’an, 2:216)

— Yasmin Mogahed.

“And once the storm is over, you won’t remember how you made it through, how you managed to survive. You won’t even be sure, whether the storm is really over. But one thing is certain. When you come out of the storm, you won’t be the same person who walked in. That’s what this storm’s all about.“ 

- Haruki Murakami


Ada dua pohon besar di dekat kosanku. Tak terlalu dekat sebetulnya, tapi jelas terlihat dari balkon kamarku. Aku tak tahu nama pohon itu, yg jelas pohon itu hampir selalu ada dimana-mana. Terutama di pinggiran jalan. Mungkin karena daunnya yg rimbun dan tak perlu perawatan banyak, ia mampu tumbuh sendiri.


Let it all.

Let it hurt
Let it bleed
Let it heal
And let it go.
"Let it be. Let it all."



I carved your name
into songs and poetry
on every
blank piece of papers I have,

but why am I the one
who's bleeding ink?