
New Chapter

Dear readers, we are now entering a new chapter of my life. A chapter where I hope I can get wiser as I get older, happier, and more content with life. This is definitely going to be a hell of a ride, but I am hoping that I can overcome any obstacles, any bump in the road, any edge of a cliff that I might face later. 


Strangers again

When we ended things with someone whose name was once carved in every inch of our hearts, we realized that our entire routine must be reset because that person will no longer be in it. Who once was in the penthouse of our priority now becomes a stranger, just like when we first met them.


My new skin

I'd be lying if I said that post-fire life is easily managed. No, it's not because today you look fine as usual, but the next day you have all these scars all over your body. My life and my body changed overnight. I had to say goodbye to my old life and entered this excruciating path I must endure.