

Dear 2017,

Here I am, 3 hours before midnight, before 2018 born, and I want to say thank you

This has been a wonderful journey and one hell of experience I never thought the kind of person like me would ever had. But it happened anyway. All ups and downs, I will surely cherish them all for they made me the person that I am today. Stronger than I have ever been before.


Because the sun has to set
Even birds in the sky, they fall
Those trees die
The strongest cry


Quiet thoughts

A sudden contemplation grew stronger and stronger in the passenger seat of Uber car as we drove closer towards the bright orange sunset. Try to imagine 60's romance movie, where the car slowly driving towards the sunset as they rolled out the credit. But sadly, the different part from the said 60's romance movie was that I had no one to hold hands with. Except for that Uber driver, but that would sound even more devastating.


Heart Repair

On the way home.

Me: Oooh kuya look, they do shoes repair, bag repair, luggage repair and also key duplication. I wish I found this place sooner.
Ojek: I wish they do brain or heart repair also. 
Me: Yeah I need that heart repair. 


"I’ve got the perfect temperament for a writer; perfectly happy alone in a room, making things up."

- J. K. Rowling



As a young adult, the adulthood problems starting to coming up to the surface one by one, such as bills, where do I see myself in the next five years, marriage (eventually), managing the not-so-many income that I got every month while keeping myself entertained for the sake of my happiness without having to interfere the said income too much. Headache? Yeah me too. But that's just the problems that you will have to face once you grow older.

The more income you have, the more bills to pay.



The bell rang as I walked into the room. It was quite a sunny day, so I stopped by the coffee shop to drink something cold. I often went here, either alone of with friends, beside they have a very fast wifi, the variety of beverages they served are super delicious, as well as their light snacks.


A peaceful moment

Sometimes a peaceful moment comes to you in an unexpected time and at an unexpected place. A peaceful moment when suddenly all your problems, all the drama in your life, all the obstacles you know you have to get through the next day evaporates into the air. It's just you and your surroundings. Everything else disappears.

It happened to me last night.



There were days where everything grew twice bigger, three times taller. These days, I became an ant. How was it like to be an ant? Well, it was like all the furniture became tools made for giants. Trees outside clouding the sky, and suddenly it was endless night.


"Don't stop because you've reached your limit, stop because you know you're close to your limit."

- it's like standing behind the yellow line, keeping you safe from being run over by a moving train. and I am one step away from falling onto the track.


Internet's Black Hole

You know people sometimes lost in the depth of internet's black hole, which basically just, you know, spent beyond average of time in the internet. Like example, you're watching a video on Youtube, then a little after that you find yourself watching, say, 30 more videos. That's how I described internet's black hole, like you were sucked by its gravity. You get me?

It happened to me yesterday.


Day in which one was born


So, with onion ring inside my mouth, here I am a barely 24 years old couch potato for a day. In case you guys don't know what a couch potato is, below is the definition:

Couch Potato
couch po·ta·to
ˈkouCH pəˌtādō

a person who spends little or no time exercising and a great deal of time watching television.


A Brief Getaway: Bandung, Day 3 (Part 1)

Maafkan maafkan maafkaaaannn! Iya tahu kok, ngaretnya parah. Dari bulan Agustus ke bulan Oktober. Iya paham, maaf bangetttt. Bulan Agustus kemarin sebetulnya pengen dirampungin semua tulisan jalan-jalan ke Bandungnya tapi yah lagi-lagi kerjaan. Alasannya udah mulai basi ya?

Dan sampai akhirnya bulan September pun selesai dan tulisan itu masih belum jadi. Belum ditulis sama sekali malah. Engga ada draft sekalipun. Last September was... let's just say, it was a chaotic month for me. Berantakan.


If you would be so kind to answer the question I am having

I know internet is a vast space age technology, basically a whole universe we, human being, created for ourselves. And just like the universe itself, the internet intends to expand as well. So, how one stumbled upon this blog of mine in this immense universe sometimes fascinates me.



She was always terrible at lying because everything is shown perfectly in her eyes. And it didn't help at all with the way she clutched all of her fingers together, and how she held her breath a little bit, perhaps tried to keep her tears from pouring.


1 (satu)

Kau kurangi aku hingga tinggal satu
Yang pernah dengan curangnya kau bagi
Mendorongku hingga ke ujung angka
Terjebak di antara nol dan dua
Bila mundur aku jadi bilangan semu
Maju aku pun tak mampu
Kini tinggal aku satu,
Angka yang berdiri tanpa kawan
Bilangan yang kesepian



aku dikelilingi sekat
membatasi yang seharusnya dekat
ruang gerakku terhambat
ibarat ruang penjara yang dijaga ketat
ingin mundur pun tak bisa lewat

firasat yang awalnya hanya sekelebat
sekarang pelan-pelan makin kuat
di sana memang ada sekat
namun bukan berarti tak bisa kupanjat


I just realized I only had 2 posts in September, like, HOW DID THIS HAPPEN???? Seriously guys, this was never happened before. Wait, it did, but that time my pc was broken, so... does it still count? I mean this time, my laptop still functioning very well, so does my wifi.

Yet another proof perfectly captured on how my job has been taken over my life. Maybe I do need this boyfriend, I need a distraction from my job *sigh*

Growing Up

22 Agustus lalu alhamdulillah Ranna melahirkan bayi perempuan, namanya Maryam. Grup chat dibuat heboh. Gimana engga, dari berdelapan, kita-kita engga pernah ada yg nyangka kalo ternyata Ranna duluan yg menikah. Eh sekarang sudah beranak pula. Nah, siapa mau nyusul? Dinda? Anggi? Susul Ranna gih kalian. Gue sih nanti ajaaaa~



I closed my eyes then I saw you
I thought it was just a pigment of you
Reflected in the corner of my brain
At the time when I was at my most vulnerable


A Brief Getaway: Bandung, Day 2 (Part 2)

Krena terlalu banyak distraksi ditambah dengan postingan-postingan lain yang menanti di kolom draft, dan kerjaan di kantor (lagi-lagi), cerita tentang Bandung akhirnya seperti yang sudah-sudah, molor lagi. Padahal baru hari kedua, tapi molornya sampai akhir Agustus begini. Maafkan. But anyway, silakan dibaca untuk hari kedua. Maaf lama hehehe.


Sesampainya di pintu masuk Tebing Keraton dengan napas yang terengah-engah namun hati girang setengah hidup karena akhirnya sampai di Tebing Keraton, kita membayar Rp 12,000 per orang untuk tiket masuknya. Tiket ini berlaku seharian. Jadi kalau kalian tipe orang yang engga mau rugi (kayak gue), sebaiknya puas-puasin di Tebing Keraton. Sampai sore di sana juga engga apa-apa hahaha.


How To Survive On Your Own

I was just low-key drinking my cup of tea while listening to my playlist as this idea suddenly popped up in my head. I almost spilled my tea because I was so rush to get it done. Nah, I lied, none of that was true. Actually a little bird asking me to write this one. But I did drink my tea. So some part of it are indeed true.


People Talk

Not many people know that I work overseas. Some who barely in touch with me, have no idea where I work. They assumed that I work in Jakarta like everybody else. Until they found out, and questions coming after that. Those questions are usually like these:
"Why is it so far?"
"In what position?"
"How did you get in?"


A Brief Getaway: Bandung, Day 2 (Part 1)

Mari kita lanjutkan cerita tentang Bandung, sebelum gue dikeroyok karena kelamaan update. Padahal memang sudah kelamaan juga karena kemarin sempat ada unplugged week.


Oke Bandung hari kedua, gue dan Dini malam sebelumnya, disela-sela makan indomi rebus, memang sudah sepakat tentang tujuan wisata untuk hari kedua dan ketiga. Dan untuk hari kedua tujuan wisatanya adalah... JENG JENG JENG... TEBING KERATON!!!


A Warning?

It started raining here. Two days ago, it was raining in the afternoon, and yesterday it started pouring down at noon. Five hours ago, it was cats and dogs. It was like someone accidentally tripped over a huge bucket full of water.

Every time the rain starts streaming down on my window, another one comes as well. No, no, not longing. Inspiration for writing, such as this one, for example. But no, I'm talking about the other one, the wind.


Unplugged Week #3

Hi y'all.

Quick announcement, less important though. You may skip this one since you won't find anything worth your time.



Writing Tips-ish

A little bird asked me one day:
"Do you have any tips for writing on a blog? So you can always have an idea to keep on writing?"


Dalam Diam

Kala rindu aku diam
Jika jatuh aku pun diam
Marahku diam
Tangisku dalam diam
Mencintaimu pun aku diam-diam


A Brief Getaway: Bandung, Day 1 (Part 2)

Oke, gue sudah dipinta lagi untuk melanjutkan postingan tentang Bandung. Iya iya, sabar yah, udah diketik kok tinggal dirapihin sama masukin foto aja :')

Sehubungan dengan kita berdua yang betul-betul buta arah, jadilah kita memesan Grab (atau Uber, gue lupa hehe) untuk mengantarkan kita ke Pavilion 19 yang menjadi tempat inap kita selama di Bandung. Pavilion 19 ini adalah guest house yang tanpa sengaja kita temui di Airbnb (I'm gonna make a whole separate post for this Airbnb 101-ish).


A Brief Getaway: Bandung, Day 1 (Part 1)

Karena pembaca setia gue sudah meminta-minta untuk segera dilanjutkan tulisan tentang gembelpackeran ke Bandung kemarin (you know I'm talking about you kan Din?), jadilah gue berusaha untuk melanjutkannya. Ya maafkanlah kalau updatenya molor, gue sudah masuk kerja soalnya, kembali ngerodi ngantor.


A Brief Getaway: Bandung, A Prologue

Sebagai pekerja rodi kantoran yang sudah butek dilalerin sampe berkarat yang karatnya aja sampai rontok saking loyalnya sama kantor, liburan adalah salah satu barang mewah yang ngga bisa semata-mata didapatkan. Beda kayak waktu kuliah dulu yang bisa liburan 3 kali setahun. Sekarang mah boro-boro 3 kali setahun, bisa liburan saja rasanya sudah kayak terima gaji ke 15.

Dan akhirnya barang mewah itu datang juga ke gue.


Si Pengganggu

Sudah kau obrak-abrik tatanan hati,
Kau acak-acak pula malamku
Pelan-pelan aku mati
Itukah maumu?


Kamu itu nyata,
Aku yang kasat mata
Tidak terlihat
Sekalipun aku dekat



Indonesia aku pulaaaaannggg!!!

Alhamdulillah tanggal 23 juni jam setengah satu pagi (harusnya jam setengah 12an udah sampe tapi pesawat delayed as always) kaki gue menginjak lantai Bandara Soekarno-Hatta dengan selamat.


Poor Chicken

In the office,

ME: "Where is Nate? I haven't seen him in a while." (he always go to our room, work related of course) 
MY MANAGER: "He's sick, kena campak itu dia" (translate: he got measles) 
ME: "Serius? HAHAHAHAHAH udah tua juga." (translate: Seriously? Hahahahaha he's way too old to get measles). "Wait, is it the same with chicken pox?" 


Ramadhan Di Luar Negeri: Suka-Duka

So, Ramadhan di luar negeri. Kesannya kayak Ramadhan nun jauh di manaaa gitu Ca, padahal mah cuma naik pesawat 4 jam juga sampai -_-.

Ini adalah Ramadhan kedua yang gue jalani di negeri orang.

Rasanya? Masih sama seperti tahun kemaren, sama-sama hambar. Kenapa? Karena gue puasa sendirian, yang lain engga. Ngga ada orang jualan takjil sore-sore. Ngga ada juga yang keliling teriak-teriak bangunin sahur. Ngga ada adzan maghrib yang terdengar di telinga gue sebagai penanda berakhirnya waktu puasa.


What I miss the most

If you're away from home, the thing you miss the most (beside your family and friends) is the food. Yep, the food. One more time, THE FOOD. Especially the traditional foods from your homeland. And we cannot forget the street foods too.


When in High School

09 May,

Peter sat beside me, handed me a glass of water. I smiled and said thanks to him. I looked around this room, his room. His room was quite small, but it was enough for him. Only one cupboard, one bed we were sitting on, one nightstand, one desk. And I couldn't help but noticed a few pictures on the wall.

I stood up and looked at it. They were all his pictures.



pula membawaku pada kata
pelan-pelan memecah rindu yang belum selesai
mengantarkan aku pada satu kebodohan yang terus kuumpat


Something Special

I was just watching this movie when suddenly I heard the song I know very well started playing in the background as the actress crying herself out against the wall. I was a bit surprised and kinda upset to be honest because now everyone will know the song as well.


"Wife Material" according to our society

Menjaga image sebagai perempuan di masyarakat itu susah. Kayak Raisa, serba salah. Keseringan di rumah dibilangnya ngga punya temen atau ngga bisa bersosialisasi, padahal emang kepengen di rumah aja. Sering main keluar dibilangnya "cewek nakal". Serba salah kan?


Farewell Letter

So my teammate, Zhen, decided to switch company. We were more than happy to hear that, yet we were a bit sad because we had to say goodbye to another good person. Well, that's life right? People come and go. And she wanted to make sure that we know her short stay in our department still left quite a mark in her brain, so she sent a very well-written farewell letter. She wrote about all of us, and how she remembered each and every one of us.

And this is the one she wrote about me


"You have to learn to like your job, because you need the money." 
- temen kantor

But is it though? Is it? Does it really have to be that way?



kamu yang terus menggurat luka
dan aku yang mulai mati rasa
mulutmu yang kerap berdusta
jemuku kian meraja


Cerita Ibu kota

merantau mengejar ibu kota
demi sesuap nasi dan seonggok cerita
ditemani panas terik sang surya
bercumbu erat dengan asap knalpot kopaja


That time when I asked weird stuff (again)

On a bike, heading home.

Gue: Kuya, I think that building is about to be demolished. 
Kuya: Which building? 
Gue: That one *point at the building covered by ridiculously huge black curtains* 
Kuya: Ah yeah I guess so 


Kau sudah ke mana saja?

gerakmu terlampau lincah
untuk kedua tanganku yang sering goyah
sore ini kau ada di Jakarta,
esok harinya sudah di lain benua


Boneka Kantoran

Aku hanyalah boneka kain perca
Yang kau ayun suka-suka
Yang kau paksa menari
Kala aku ingin menyepi



kepala rasanya mau meledak
nyaris tak ada ruang gerak


coba keluar
ambil satu langkah ke depan
buka pintu itu
hirup udaranya dalam dalam
supaya lapang
supaya tenang


One Giant Machine

I see this world as a gigantic machine that keeps whirring, ticking and buzzing all day and all night. And we, people, and other living things (even those aliens who may have settled in some remote facilities in the secret area by the mountain, hey, who knows?) are parts of this big machine.


Hijab is not a limitation

And this one just in! For real. This happened around 8.30pm yesterday, which is just few hours ago. Four hours ago to be exact. This one... This one is... I don't have words to describe it. Really. So here it is.


Top 8 questions I've ever gotten about Islam and My Hijab

Since I'm the only Muslim in the office, for real, I'm literally the only one, plus I'm wearing hijab, so  it makes me the "different kid" from the bunch. The good thing is, everyone knows me. They can just point me easily. So if you're on the penthouse floor and you see a little girl wearing hijab walking around, yep, that's me.


"Karena pada akhirnya yg bisa dilakukan cuma ambil napas panjang, buang pelan-pelan, dan berdoa semoga stok sabar masih banyak."

- ya habis apaan lagi? ujung-ujungnya juga gitu kan
Anjir kita udah lama ngga jalan da

Beda jadwal kan kita, atuh mau jalan kumaha. Mentok jg cuma Greenbelt (Mall di Makati), Glorietta 5 (masih Mall di Makati) udah paling jauh hahaha

Abis kalo ke Trinoma (Mall jauhan dikit, gue lupa nama daerahnya) ntar ada yg tidur lagi di MRT, terus besokannya sakit deh

AHAHAHAHA kan capek vroh, kan lu tau gua gampang sakit kalo capek dikit wqwq

Cuma hati lu doang yg tahan banting cok

Bangkeeeee -_-


Open your window

I have this small window in my bathroom for ventilation. I wanted to close the said window, since I was going to take a shower because I need to go work and I really hate the schedule I got that time plus I was going to be late that day.

I know that people from that new apartment two blocks away can't literally see me, unless they have magnified power in their eyes then most probably they saw me pretending to be a rock star in my bathroom on the fourth floor which would be majorly embarassing. But since the generation of X-men haven't exist yet (have they?), so I will assume that they can't see me. And the window is not open that wide, just a little bit. So I am positive like an ion no one see me inside that bathroom


"They wanted us to do the impossible, but they forgot that we are still human, we are not immune from the impossibility."

- No, I'm not talking about some "nothing is impossible" crap.


Once upon a long and dull night shift

Once upon a long and dull night shift. The sound of slamming keyboard and mouse clicking richocet on this 3x6 meter room. And this is how I broke the silence on that night.

"Andy, why are you single?" I asked my friend while he was sticking his eyes to the monitor and his fingers dancing on the keyboard.

This would probably the most unimportant question I have ever asked him among other unimportant questions. And most importantly, this is the kind of question I should've asked myself, not to other people.


"Jangan bosen sendiri, nanti ga meaning saat menggenap." 

- Nuranna Ayu Septyaningrum


she's more than a titanium

Gue masih ingat dengan jelas waktu ketika gue nganter nyokap ke Bandara Internasional Ninoy Aquino, mengantar beliau pulang ke Tanah Air dan meninggalkan gue yg memutuskan (walaupun dengan banyak keraguan di tengah jalan) untuk memulai karir di sini sebagai batu loncatan. Seakan baru kemarin, tapi nyatanya udah setahun yg lalu.


rindu itu bertumbuh terus tanpa sempat dipuaskan
bagai awan yg terus menghitam menimbun badai di kemudian hari
dan rasa yg tak bisa beranjak kemana-mana


"Pada akhirnya akan sampai dititik “terserah Allah aja”, semoga hati senantiasa merendah."

— Bismillah aja
     Allah lebih tau
     Allah punya skenario yang keren buat hambaNya.
     Nikmati, belajar lapang.

     Jum'at 23 Februari 2017 (via duniakuintrovert)


6 years, 1000 posts, 57k pageviews

Waaah gokil gokil gokil. Ini gokil. GOKIL BANGET COY ANJAAAAAAYYYY!! Oke sori gue overreacted, tapi ini gokil abeeezzzz. Ca, udah. Oke gue udahan. Gila men, gue udah nulis 1000 postingan di blog ini. Wahanjaaay.

Umur blog ini udah 6 tahun.



berbahagia sajalah

berbahagia sajalah pernah bertemu dengannya
dengan mereka-mereka semua
sekalipun jalan kalian tak selalu dalam arah yang sama
namun setidaknya dalam sejarah hidupnya
pernah ada kamu di sana


Worth the risk

For me, falling in love is taking a risk. Because you have to trust this person enough to let them know all of your weakness, you have to trust them enough to think that they won't use your weakness against you. And for some cases, it's like knowing from the start that it won't go further than you dreamed it would be, yet you're still jumping into it and be stupid enough to still hoping that it would somehow change.

But in the end, there's always one worth the risk.
yang sama-sama ingin menyembuhi hati,
namun malah saling menyakiti


aku adalah satu ruas rindu
bersarang di sudut tempurung kepalamu
yang kamu himpit dengan segala macam rutinitas hari-hari
yang pada penghujung senja kamu sempati waktu untuk kunjungi


"Alangkah mengerikannya menjadi tua dengan kenangan masa muda yang hanya berisi kemacetan jalan, ketakutan datang terlambat ke kantor, tugas-tugas rutin yang tidak menggugah semangat, dan kehidupan seperti mesin, yang hanya akan berakhir dengan pensiun tidak seberapa." 

– Seno Gumira Ajidarma

PS: menonjok sekali ini


rindu itu kulipat satu satu
hingga menjadi kecil sampai bisu
kupaksa masuk dalam kantongku
menunggu hingga tiba saat bertemu


kamu adalah "apa kabar?" yang kutulis,
kemudian kuhapus lagi.
"Theoretically, women are fine with a lot of things."

- Peter (Manhattan Love Story)
kamu adalah ruang-ruang kosong
di sudut pelataran hati
yg enggan ku isi
yg kubiarkan tetap lengang
mana tahu satu waktu nanti
kau ingin datang
mengisi kembali yg dulu kau tinggalkan


Trust (Issue)

We always have that trust issue. Maybe a little, maybe a lot, but never none. It makes sense though, considering that people are getting creepier, yes I'm talking about the guy in the corner who likes to bark at every car that passed by. I mean, take a look at the news, of course people are getting more alarmed. And maybe because of what happened to you in the past, or what happened to your closest friend. But having trust issue on your coworker is completely fine.


Datangnya tak kenal waktu
Kunjungnya tak tahu malu


"Have you been honest with yourself?"

- "Have I?" Asked she to her reflection on the mirror.


Garlic Rice for Breakfast? Why not?


Jadi hari ini gue terbangun dan perut gue berontak. Pengen sarapan tapi ngidam nasi uduk. Dan disini ga ada yg jual nasi uduk #nasip. Terus gue keinget garlic rice yg suka gue pesen di fast food sini. Biasanya pake corned beef (kornet sapi maksudnya) sama sunny side up (telor ceplok). Sempet kepikiran untuk delivery, tapi terusnya gue kepikiran:
"Kenapa ga coba bikin garlic rice sendiri aja?"


Minoritas #3

Tinggal di luar negeri bukan berarti gue jadi "merem" soal isu-isu di Tanah Air, karena tiap hari gue pasti baca berita tentang Indonesia. Kadang suka curi-curi waktu kerja sih buat baca berita hehehe. Dan yg lagi hangat-hangatnya ini menyangkut agama dan etnis yg melibatkan salah satu figur di pemerintahan. Ya udah pasti tahu kan lah ya siapanya.

Agak sedih sih sebetulnya ada isu kayak gitu.


You know when you look up to the sky and everything is all but gray and the sunlight can't even slip through the thickness of the dark clouds and the wind blows everything away. And you keep on looking. And looking. And looking. And you look up again, and there's a little bit of a peep hole forming up there. Then you take a glance at it, and you see a clear blue sky peeking out. Then you realize that no matter how dark the clouds are, or how loud the thunder might strikes, the blue sky is still up there. It doesn't go anywhere, it's just blocked by the clouds.

So just remember, the blue sky will always be there above all the dark gray clouds.


Kids, I'm going to tell you the story of how I met your...

One day, when I'm older, I'm gonna make my children sit down and hear me blabbering the story about how I met their father. And after I'm finish, my husband be like "You done? okay. Kids, you gotta listen to my version, way better".


"You can do it. Muda, single, good salary. Your life doesn't seem so bad." 

- sohib


As You Wake Up

I've always love when I'm the one who wakes up first.

I've always love when I open my eyes and see a face so peaceful that all the wars happen on earth suddenly disapppear. I've always love hearing the sound of his breathe so slow and sync with the rythm. I've always love when I see the slight movement on his eyes and wonder what is he dreaming about. I've always love when I slowly and carefully run my fingers to his baby hair and feel the curliness of it but also feeling scared that I might wake him up.


"Mampus kau dikoyak-koyak sepi"

- Chairil Anwar, Sia-Sia (Februari, 1943)


If you already have a problem on your own that you need to deal with, or you don't have the mood to read anything that could ruin your mood even more, please don't read this.


It's getting blurry here, from those faces I passed in the street until the hours upon hours that had spent. For once it was all technicolor, now it's all turn into gray where there's no black nor white. And there I am, still floating like a cotton blown by the wind, not knowing where it takes me.


"Resolusi itu ngga perlu muluk-muluk, yg penting dilakuin."

- Chairunnisa, orangnya males bikin resolusi, ga keurus soalnya -_-


I finally found my resolution for this year

I just remembered that I have another blogspot I specially made just for traveling content. This blog was created way back in February 2016 and up until now I only have one post there, just the introduction. I know, I know, I should start filling it up by moving all the traveling posts in here to there, but... the green monster called laziness still clung onto my back. And I'm still writing a lot in here. Kinda hard to manage 2 blogs at the same time.

Geez ca, stop the excuses already -_-

So I guess my resolution for this year is that I could start filling up the other blog with informative content. I hope. Well, let's hope. Bismillah!!

PS: I will share the link once it has more than 5 posts, so you have something to read other than just the introduction ;)


Wondering Thoughts

Have you ever wonder your place in this world? The true purpose of your existence?

Why am I born?
Why am I here?
Why am I... me?



"Segitu sulitnyakah bersikap baik ke orang lain tanpa melihat fisik, ras, dan agama mereka?"

- Udah ngga paham lagi gue -_-


Terima Kasih #2

Ada satu hal yg otak gue sadari ketika kemaren pulang ke Indonesia, bahwa beberapa masyarakat Indonesia masih susah untuk bilang "Terima kasih". Engga paham. Padahal turis-turis asing bilang kalo negara kita itu adalah negara yg ramah. Ramah tapi masih susah untuk bilang "terima kasih" kali ya hehehe.


When Someone Tried Out Your Recipe

Masih inget postingan gue tentang Carbonara On A Budget? Well, seminggu lalu gue dapet notification di Instagram, temen gue ada yg mention gue. Terus setelah gue buka, ternyata temen gue upload ini ke Instagramnya dia

Gilak lah! Seneng bukan kepalang gue, ada yg nyobain resep gue HAHAHAHA. Padahal gue ngga jago-jago amat masak. Gue seneng masak, cuma males aja. Tapi kalo lagi kepengen masak, ya gue masak kok.

Asli lah, seneng banget gue ada yg nyobain resep gue, dan mereka juga berhasil HAHAHAHA. Yuk, siapa lagi nih selanjutnya yg mau coba? Biar gue feature di blog ehehehehe.

Anw, makasih Silvi udah mau coba resepnyaaaa :)


Postingan telat

Sebenernya ulang tahunnya udah lewat banget, kadonya juga udah dibuka malah sebulan sebelum ulang tahun, tapi berhubung baru minggu lalu pulang ke rumah dan liat kadonya secara fisik, jadi sebagai tanda terima kasih gue, gue mau pamer disini (lah?).

Agak drama dikit sih ini sebenernya.

Jadi gue lagi di kantor, tau-tau:

Our Infinite Playlist

And we will have our own infinite playlist one day. You'll be sweet enough to let me take up more than half of space in it for my favorite songs, and I'll be the one who always presses the "forward" button every time your song comes up. And we'll sit on the porch in our house, you with your cup of coffee and me with my own hot chocolate. We'll take a sip from each other's cup every now and then, my head rests on your shoulder where it always belongs, our hair as grey as the road, and our infinite playlist played in the background as the sun starts to set.


Here I am again

Here I am again, the same place I was in before. In the same moment that had happened before. Got the same feeling that breaks my heart like before. Listenning to the same song I played before and put on the same repeat.


Dancing Lights

It was all so surreal as I stood by the balcony staring at the distant horizon.

You know when the concert is about to start, sometimes they light the fire along the border line of the stage to build up the mood? It was very much like that, but more like standing in the stage, instead of standing in the front row as the viewer.


"Ketika manusia bikin rencana, disaat itulah Tuhan ketawa ngakak."

- Yaudahlah ketawa bareng bareng aja biar enak, ya ngga?