
Day 10 - Persahabatan bagai kepompong

Saya bukan tipe orang yang punya teman di setiap tikungan. Sekadar kenal dan sering berinteraksi belum tentu saya anggap teman. Yang saya anggap teman cuma sedikit, teman dekat malah lebih sedikit lagi. Sedikit bukan berarti ngga ada. 

Di hari kesepuluh ini saya diharuskan bercerita tentang mereka-mereka yang saya anggap sebagai teman dekat.


Day 9 - Kachinggg!

Hari kesembilan gue diharuskan untuk menulis tentang kebahagiaan. Ugh. Agak-agak keju nih temanya. Jangan harap gue akan menulis yang menye-menye, sedang tidak ada mood atau energi untuk itu. Imma keep it real for this one.

Bahagia menurut gue adalah transferan uang masuk ratusan juta dollar ke rekening gue. 



Ya ampun, masih hari kedelapan huaaaa. Kirain sudah mau selesai, ternyata masih jauh huhuhu. Yaudah sabar ya, tulisannya pasti dicicil kok, walaupun kayaknya baru bisa selesai challengenya di akhir tahun. Tapi gapapa, yang penting ditulis.

Hari kedelapan ini gue harus menulis tentang "The Power of Music".


Day 7 - Ready, and Action!

I can't spend one day without watching a movie or a tv series. It's a habit, I guess. It's one of the things I prefer to do on weekends, and also one of my ideal date (don't forget the popcorn).

With that being said, here are a few of my favorite movies for Day 7.


Day 6 - Living young, and wild, and free

"Muda, single, good salary. Your life doesn't seem so bad."  - Ari.

I would like to start the post for Day 6 (Happy and Single) with the above sentence. It was said by my dear friend when I was still in the Philippines, circa 2017.


Day 5 - Mereka

Akhirnya sampai juga di hari kelima, tapi masih jauh dari hari ketiga puluh. Jauh banget. Yaudah ngga apa-apa, kan one step at a time. Pelan-pelan yang penting nanti selesai, ya kan?

Di hari kelima ini saya harus menulis tentang orang tua. 

Orang tua saya hanya dua orang manusia dari kalangan biasa. Bukan orang terkenal yang banyak dibincangkan sana-sini, walaupun begitu mereka tetap orang yang saya banggakan, terlepas dari ketidaksempurnaan mereka sebagai manusia.


Day 4 - Places I'd rather be

Well, I hope this writing challenge will not be dragging out for too long. With work and all, it is quite tricky to find quiet time to start the writing. So, please bear with me. I promise myself I will finish what I already started.

Now on day 4, I have to write about the places I want to visit.


Day 3 - Cruising the memory lane

When thinking about a memory, what was the first thing that popped up in your mind? That fun holiday you took with your friends? A memorable weekend getaway with your significant other? The old house you grew up in? Your graduation day? Well, the list goes on. 

For me, it was when I was still a little kid and had zero care in the world. The problem I had to figure out was how to watch three anime at the same time. The other time was what color I should use for my drawing. Such a simpler time back then.


Day 2 - If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands

After previous enthusiasm to write for Day 1, although I'm never good at describing myself, I can personally call it a successful attempt on this challenge. Even to my surprise, I did the whole thing and finished the writing flawlessly. 

Now, moving on to Day 2, we got: 

"Things that make you happy."

Hm... what makes me happy, I wonder?


Day 1 - What kind of person I think I am

Yang harus saya tuliskan pertama kali di 30 Days Writing Challenge ini tentang kepribadian diri sendiri.

Waduh, sejujurnya saya agak bingung nih harus mulai dari mana karena saya ngga pernah pandai menilai diri sendiri, pandai menilai orang lain pun kayaknya juga engga hahaha. Tapi berhubung temanya ini jadi yaudah saya coba dulu aja.