

I realized death is really just around the corner, but I never really thought it would be that fast.

My brother was admitted to the hospital on Thursday night, 6th February 2020, it was for surgery to remove an abscess on his back. His condition worsened when I got there on Friday. We moved him to the ICU on Friday night, hoping he might get better. He didn't. His heart gave out by Saturday morning, around 9-10 am.


Happy, free, confused, and lonely at the same time

I turned 28 on the first day of November which happened on Monday. I dislike Monday a little bit less, only on that particular day. 
Not much happened. My boss has the same birth date as me, so they threw a birthday surprise for him, and I was just tagging along, lol. He brought us Mexican foods from Taco Bell, and good God, I think I shed a tear a little bit because I've been craving some Mexican food since last month.