
A Brief Getaway: Bandung, Day 2 (Part 2)

Krena terlalu banyak distraksi ditambah dengan postingan-postingan lain yang menanti di kolom draft, dan kerjaan di kantor (lagi-lagi), cerita tentang Bandung akhirnya seperti yang sudah-sudah, molor lagi. Padahal baru hari kedua, tapi molornya sampai akhir Agustus begini. Maafkan. But anyway, silakan dibaca untuk hari kedua. Maaf lama hehehe.


Sesampainya di pintu masuk Tebing Keraton dengan napas yang terengah-engah namun hati girang setengah hidup karena akhirnya sampai di Tebing Keraton, kita membayar Rp 12,000 per orang untuk tiket masuknya. Tiket ini berlaku seharian. Jadi kalau kalian tipe orang yang engga mau rugi (kayak gue), sebaiknya puas-puasin di Tebing Keraton. Sampai sore di sana juga engga apa-apa hahaha.


How To Survive On Your Own

I was just low-key drinking my cup of tea while listening to my playlist as this idea suddenly popped up in my head. I almost spilled my tea because I was so rush to get it done. Nah, I lied, none of that was true. Actually a little bird asking me to write this one. But I did drink my tea. So some part of it are indeed true.


People Talk

Not many people know that I work overseas. Some who barely in touch with me, have no idea where I work. They assumed that I work in Jakarta like everybody else. Until they found out, and questions coming after that. Those questions are usually like these:
"Why is it so far?"
"In what position?"
"How did you get in?"


A Brief Getaway: Bandung, Day 2 (Part 1)

Mari kita lanjutkan cerita tentang Bandung, sebelum gue dikeroyok karena kelamaan update. Padahal memang sudah kelamaan juga karena kemarin sempat ada unplugged week.


Oke Bandung hari kedua, gue dan Dini malam sebelumnya, disela-sela makan indomi rebus, memang sudah sepakat tentang tujuan wisata untuk hari kedua dan ketiga. Dan untuk hari kedua tujuan wisatanya adalah... JENG JENG JENG... TEBING KERATON!!!


A Warning?

It started raining here. Two days ago, it was raining in the afternoon, and yesterday it started pouring down at noon. Five hours ago, it was cats and dogs. It was like someone accidentally tripped over a huge bucket full of water.

Every time the rain starts streaming down on my window, another one comes as well. No, no, not longing. Inspiration for writing, such as this one, for example. But no, I'm talking about the other one, the wind.