
"I learned a great deal about accepting yesterday; it's not just about their strengths, but also their imperfections as a human being."

- Because nobody's perfect, neither do I.

24th May 2018


Time Warp #2

Each of us has equally 24 hours, 1.440 minutes, 86.400 seconds to call it a day. Funny how all those numbers are shortened when you were swallowed into a time-warp caused by two gravities pulling towards each other, and BAM! It's midnight all of the sudden.

"Where has the time gone?" you wonder.


Belum Waktunya

Mungkin belum saatnya
Aku dan kau bersua
Mungkin begitu pikir semesta
Walau aku pun tak paham apa motivasinya



We've all been in the bottom of that pit, how we got these scars from crawling ourselves up just to feel the sun on our faces again. We all remember how it felt, hopeless, devastated, and lost. We don't need you to force us to feel helpless, we already feel it at some point and some of us are still living with it.

So instead of throwing rocks, why don't we throw compliments at each other? I think that's a lot better, don't you?


"Limit orang kan beda beda, jangan samain semua kayak standar kamu. What doesn't kill you might kill someone else."

- Sebuah pengingat untuk yg suka khilaf kalo kita diciptakan berbeda-beda


Demanding Happiness

It's a tough world. You wake up super early in the morning, taking a freaking cold shower, and prepare yourself. Then you headed towards your tiny little cubicle where you spent 9 hours out of your 24 hours doing pretty much the same thing every single day just because you got to survive tomorrow.

Then you go home, really tired, you throw yourself onto the couch, and started thinking about when was the last time you feel genuinely happy? The answer to that question doesn't even pop a light bulb in the corner of your brain.


A glass of water

Dulu, kala aku bersedih, dia bawakan segelas air. Awalnya aku bingung, maksudnya apa. Katanya supaya lebih lega, entah tenggorokan atau hatinya. Dua-duanya lah. Ya sudah, kepalang sudah diberi, kuminum saja sampai habis. Tak lama tangisku reda.