
"Learn to say NO. Your life is not about pleasing everybody else all the time. You're not a box of chocolates."

- neither a jar of Nutella.


Carbonara on a budget.


Ini akan jadi postingan pertama gue tentang resep masakan. Alasannya, karena semalem gue menemukan satu resep yg simpel banget dan cocok untuk anak kos. Disamping ini simpel banget, bahan-bahannya pun ngga mahal. Oke gue mulai aja ya.


"Gila kali dikata gue sendal apa cuma buat diinjek-injek
Do you want to be his sandal? Or do you want to be the one who wear that sandal?
I want to be the one who slap his face with that sendal"

- kasian si sendal jadi dibawa bawa gini, maafin ya.


A Prisoner

"Let's play a game." He said. Smiled.

I looked at him, wondering what kind of game he wanted me to play. "What game?" I answered him. His smile widens from his left ear all the way reaching his right ear. I can tell that he was very much excited to play this game, all were shown in his eyes.



When a singer/band has successfully captivated your soul and you've never been fall in love that deep with music before them, then you just casually give a compliment to them in twitter hoping that it would somehow encourage them to keep making great music, and surprisingly they liked your tweet.

I was literally screamed when I saw that in my twitter notifications. Like, literally. Screamed. It was 1 a.m in the morning and I didn't give a single damn about my neighbor. I was too surprised. Never crossed my mind that it would happen. Like, come on. My tweet probably piled under hundreds other tweets. But they saw it, on top of that, they liked it! And I was like "HOLY FCK!! Oh my God, this is not happening is it? HOLY FCK IT'S REAL! asdfghjkl!!".



A Careless Love

This is a careless love as I ignore the truth lies before my very eyes. For countless times I've been closed my eyes and chose to turn my back on something I have been brushed aside. I thought it was the right thing to do, and it was supposed to went that way. 


"You don't have to be that person who always have the needs to keeping it all together. Sometimes it's okay to feel tired. Sometimes it's okay to let everything fall apart, so you'll know which one is really worth fixing."

- self talk.



There's always a moment where all the words from every known vocabulary seem to floating around in my head, waiting to be spitted out onto a black paper. They basically telling me about one thing, but I can't exactly pinpoint of which word or sentence I should use so that it'll be easier to read, instead of sounding a lot like a riddle. And, they are so messy, tangled up with each other, unraveled. Leaving me staring at the same white paper I was supposed to filled for the past hour.


"Loving someone is like blowing up a balloon. If you blowing it up with too much air, it will burst out. If you blowing it too little, it won't expanded. But if you blowing it up just enough, it will turn into a perfect balloon. Of course, the balloon will shrink over the time, so it's your job to blowing it up again with just the right amount of air."

- I don't know how I got this idea, seriously, it was just sort of popped up in my head.


Deepest Gratitude For You :)


Gue baru ngeh, blog gue ternyata udah berusia 5 tahun! WAAAH! *tepuk tangan sendirian*

Dan blog gue adalah satu-satunya media sosial yg paling tua yg gue punya dan masih aktif. Twitter juga masih, tapi dulu sempet terseret arus kekinian dan jadi melipir ke tetangga sebelah, twitter cuma jadi tempat numpang share dari si tetangga (sebenernya Twitter gue yg paling tua, dari 2009, tapi karena kekunci gatau kenapa, jadi yah....). Instagram juga masih aktif, tapi karena belom hunting lagi jadi lagi jarang upload.


"Be like a cat, they're always landing on their feet no matter how high they've fallen."

- meow :3



Dulu waktu jaman masih SD, rasanya berat banget. Harus bangun pagi, ngga boleh telat, PR juga harus dikerjain di rumah soalnya kalo dikerjain di sekolah pasti pada ngadu ke guru (bener kan?), terus pulang sekolah masih ada les ini itu. Belom lagi selesai les harus main sama temen-temen biar ngga dicap sombong.



tanyanya pada ruang
dipijak di bawah telanjangnya kaki
kedua sisinya seakan lapang
merayu diri untuk berlari
lantas menabrak dinding

tak ada yang pergi
namun ada yang hilang

ruang tetap diam
bergeming dalam bungkam
sekalipun gaung menoreh tajam
dan gerimis yang terus menggumam


a year older than yesterday

I was just so caught up in the conversation I was having in whatsapp I didn't realize it's not 31 October anymore, and I'm not 22 anymore. It feels like it was yesterday I turned 22, now I'm 23. The next thing I know, I'm probably already 62 years old. I don't know. Probably.