

The bell rang as I walked into the room. It was quite a sunny day, so I stopped by the coffee shop to drink something cold. I often went here, either alone of with friends, beside they have a very fast wifi, the variety of beverages they served are super delicious, as well as their light snacks.


A peaceful moment

Sometimes a peaceful moment comes to you in an unexpected time and at an unexpected place. A peaceful moment when suddenly all your problems, all the drama in your life, all the obstacles you know you have to get through the next day evaporates into the air. It's just you and your surroundings. Everything else disappears.

It happened to me last night.



There were days where everything grew twice bigger, three times taller. These days, I became an ant. How was it like to be an ant? Well, it was like all the furniture became tools made for giants. Trees outside clouding the sky, and suddenly it was endless night.


"Don't stop because you've reached your limit, stop because you know you're close to your limit."

- it's like standing behind the yellow line, keeping you safe from being run over by a moving train. and I am one step away from falling onto the track.


Internet's Black Hole

You know people sometimes lost in the depth of internet's black hole, which basically just, you know, spent beyond average of time in the internet. Like example, you're watching a video on Youtube, then a little after that you find yourself watching, say, 30 more videos. That's how I described internet's black hole, like you were sucked by its gravity. You get me?

It happened to me yesterday.


Day in which one was born


So, with onion ring inside my mouth, here I am a barely 24 years old couch potato for a day. In case you guys don't know what a couch potato is, below is the definition:

Couch Potato
couch po·ta·to
ˈkouCH pəˌtādō

a person who spends little or no time exercising and a great deal of time watching television.