
Doa Malam Ini, Esok, Dan Seterusnya

Semoga bintang-bintang di atas sana mendengar obrolan malam ini, lalu mengamininya beramai-ramai.
Semoga malaikat-malaikat yang tak sengaja lewat melangitkan semua khayalan malam-malam kemarin, malam ini, dan malam-malam yang akan datang.
Semoga angin yang menyusup halus lewat celah jendela membawa amin paling serius sejagat ke surga.


No Eid's Picture This Year #2

2020 is such a strange time to live.

Never would I have imagined celebrating Eid Al Adha in this manner, wearing a mask, conduct the physical distancing during Eid prayer with each other, including my mother. Even going out to attend the Eid prayer itself is already a risky move to do because of this pandemic, but hey, at least I did all the procedures, and I washed my hands afterward.

Since we have no idea when all of this will end, no family gathering as well today, just like Eid Al Fitr a while ago. And the absence of my brother completes the strangeness. 



The first thing I ran after when I went through a breakup was a distraction, since everything that came after the breakup was only a lingering emptiness.

The room was back to empty, there was no more story to be told, everything must switch back to the way before anything ever happened, and there was just no more. The void it left behind was excruciating. That was when distractions played an important part in becoming my coping mechanism, and when I got sloppy with it.