
2022 Recap

Whew... what a year, isn't it? Does everyone get hammered by 2022? Because I did. 

To put it nicely, 2022 was one of those impossible years that I had. But, to put it blatantly, 2022 was a fucking shitshow full of misery. It was a perfect hurricane of everything going wrong. That's 2022 for me.

However, let's start with the bright side first. Later on, the recap will get more depressing.


"God, please spare me from any misery in 2023, I already endured tons of them in 2022."

- Please. Amen. 


"Beauty will fade over time. People get old, and those faces will never be the same. Don't put your love or interest on something temporary, aim for everlasting things."

- Because time eats beauty for breakfast.


1 to 28, I'm sorry

The age of 28 has put me through hell, and I don't think the agony is done. This is just the beginning. 

I'm sorry I haven't been able to live the life we wanted. I'm sorry I put us through all of this shit. I'm sorry that we have to feel this way. I'm sorry for burdening those we loved and dragging them into our misery.


Kumandang Sunyi

Sepertinya begini:

Air mata yang jatuh diam-diam,
dan isak tangis yang ditahan dalam-dalam
adalah yang paling kencang gaungnya,
yang paling pilu laranya,
dan yang tidak pernah sampai pada mata dan telinga sesiapa.


Will it be enough someday?

I just want to feel enough.

I want to be strong enough.
I want to be understood enough.
I want to be normal enough.
I want to heal enough.

I just want to be enough.

This is all I got, is this enough?
When is enough truly enough?


Hi, how are you?

I hope you are well. 

I know it's been a while, but I want you to know that I'm not forgetting nor abandoning you. I'm currently embarking on an exciting journey, one that I have never thought I would have the courage to do. This voyage requires a lot of my time, so I'm a bit, if not a lot, preoccupied by it.


Yaudah, minal aidin wal faidzin.

Sebetulnya kepengin nulis supaya blognya ngga merasa dicuekin, tapi saya juga ngga tahu harus nulis apa hahahah. Kalau kata pacar saya karena lagi bahagia makanya bingung mau nulis apa. Ya ngga salah juga sih, karena memang paling gampang nulis itu kalau sedang galau. Apalagi sehabis putus cinta, wah... nulisnya bisa ngga berhenti.


Second year of absence

It's always been unbearable for me to go about my day around the death anniversary of my brother. I spent the past year trying to put myself back together, it always shattered around his death anniversary, and I have to do this all over again. It's endless.


2021 Recap

"Bengong, bengong, bengong, tau-tau udah 2022 aja."
That is what I keep saying to myself because I still can't believe a year has passed so quickly. After the chaotic year of 2020, I didn't expect 2021 would be any different. But 2021 turned out quite good.
Here's my 2021 recap.