"Let’s talk about the dark night.
Our common
assumption is that the night sky is supposed to be dark with only few dots of
then, aren’t there supposed to billions upon billions of stars in the
night sky emitting light. Yes, they are very far away, but, there is
nothing stopping (like air or glass) the light from reaching us.
So, shouldn’t all those stars make the night sky (very) bright and
not dark ?
This is actually called Olbers’ Paradox.
Let’s look at the
problem in another way. We can divide the universe into a series of concentric
shells, being 5 light years thick. Thus, a certain number of stars will be in
the shell 1,00,000 to 1,00,005 light years away. If the universe is homogeneous
at a large scale (i.e., static), then there would be four times as many stars
in a second shell between 2,00,000 to 2,00,005 light years away.
But, the second
shell is twice as far away, so each star in it would appear four times dimmer
than the first shell (intensity is inversely proportional to the
square of distance). Thus the total light received from the second shell is the
same as the total light received from the first shell.
Thus, the argument
is that if the universe were static and filled infinitely with stars, the
night sky should be much brighter than it is now.
I think you guessed the loop hole here. I said if the universe
were static,
which it clearly isn’t.
The Big
Bang explains this paradox by saying that the universe started at a point,
and expanded from that point. Thus, it is not static.
We know that the
expansion is accelerating. So, two things happen.
One is that, those
stars in the night sky are moving away from us and the distance between them
and us increases. This increase the time for to see them and eventually it
takes millions of years for the light from those stars to reach us.
Second, which is the more important reason, is that these starts
get redshifted away.
Redshifting is when the wavelength of an object moving away from us goes
towards the red side of the spectrum and eventually, it goes into the infra
red, which we cannot see. It is like we listen to a honking truck passing by at
great speed. As it moves away from us, the the sound becomes softer and
softer and eventually it is inaudible.
So, because of these
reasons, we never get to experience the real night sky light. But, it
may be a good thing, as otherwise our eyes would be blinded by the light !" (via science-junkie on tumblr)
Biar semua pada bisa baca artikelnya, gue dengan baik
hatinya nerjemahin ini buat elo elo semua hahaha plus gue bisa ngasah english gue.
Sambil menyelam minum air kan jadinya. Lagian artikelnya juga nambah wawasan
kok. And here we go!
Jadi kita semua pasti mikir kalo langit malem tuh ya langit
yg biasa kita liat, gelap dan cuma ada beberapa titik bintang doang.
Tapi tapi tapi, bukannya di angkasa harusnya ada milyaran
bintang? Yup, bintang bintang itu letaknya jauh dari bumi, tapi ngga ada yang
menghalangi (contohnya kayak udara atau kaca. fyi, cahaya merambat lebih lambat di udara dan luar angkasa kan hampa udara. Juga merambat lebih lambat di kaca) cahaya dari bintang bintang itu untuk sampai ke
bumi. Nahloh berarti kan harusnya bintang bintang itu bikin langit malam jadi
terang bukan malah gelap kan?
Hal itu dinamakan Olbers’ Paradoks
look at the problem in another way. We can divide the universe into a series of
concentric shells, being 5 light years thick. Thus, a certain number of stars
will be in the shell 1,00,000 to 1,00,005 light years away. If the universe is
homogeneous at a large scale (i.e., static), then there would be four times as
many stars in a second shell between 2,00,000 to 2,00,005 light years away.
But, the
second shell is twice as far away, so each star in it would appear four times
dimmer than the first shell (intensity
is inversely proportional to the square of distance). Thus the
total light received from the second shell is the same as the total light
received from the first shell.
Gue masih susah nerjemahin teorinya, jadi ya coba
diterjemahkan sendiri. Gue nerjemahinnya bener bener sendiri tanpa bantuan
kamus ataupun google translate, jadi kalo yg istilah istilah begitu masih beloman bisa hehehe.
Balik ke topik.
Argumen atau teori itu cuma berlaku kalau, inget ya kalau,
semesta kita itu statis dan dipenuhin sama milyaran bintang yg tadi gue bilang,
nah baru deh langit malem bakalan jauh jauh lebih terang daripada yang
Inget kan kalo tadi gue bilang jika semesta itu statis,
padahal kita tau kalo semesta itu justru dinamis.
Teori Big Bang (bukan serial tv yg itu ya) menjelaskan kalau
semesta awalnya cuma sebuah titik, lalu titik itu mengembang jadi makin besar. Jadi,
semesta itu udah pasti ngga statis. Bentar nih, tau kan maksud statis disini
apa? Statis itu maksudnya ya kaku, ngga lentur. Kebalikan dari elastis deh
Nah proses perkembangan semesta itu terus menerus alias
kontinyu alias meningkat. Karena itu, ada dua hal yang terjadi.
Pertama, bintang bintang di langit jadi menjauh dari bumi
dan jarak antara mereka dan kita juga makin besar. Hal itu juga meningkatkan
jarak tempuh cahaya mereka untuk sampai ke bumi, pada akhirnya cahaya bintang
bintang itu membutuhkan jutaan tahun cahaya untuk sampai ke bumi. Fyi aja sih,
1 tahun cahaya itu sama dengan 9,4 triliun kilometer. Di artikel aslinya (yg masih versi
bahasa inggris) blm ada penjelasan tentang jarak tahun cahaya dalam kilometer,
jadi gue kasih tau deh. Lumayan kan jadi nambah ilmu.
Dan yang kedua, yang paling penting nih, adalah Pergeseran
Merah pada bintang bintang tadi. Pergeseran Merah adalah ketika spektrum cahaya
menjauh sampai di sisi merah (akhir atau ujung dari spektrum) dan akhirnya
sampe ke infra merah yang kita ngga bisa liat. Contohnya kayak lagi dengerin
klakson truk yang lagi ngebut. Pas truknya lewat di depan kita klaksonnya pasti
kenceng banget kan, nah tapi begitu mulai menjauh dari kita suara klaksonnya
makin lama makin kecil sampe akhirnya ngga kedengeran sama sekali.
Jadi jadi jadi karena dua hal tadilah, kita ngga akan pernah
bisa ngerasain yang namanya cahaya dari langit malem. Lagipula justru malah
bagus kan, kalo misalnya langit malem kita itu terang, mata kita bakalan buta
karena cahaya dari bintang bintang itu. Fyi lagi nih, cahaya dari suatu bintang
itu ngga cuma ratusan derajat Celsius doang loh, bisa ratusan ribu bahkan
jutaan derajat Celsius. Bayangin dah tuh panas dan terangnya kayak apa,
sunglasses lo yang paling mahal juga ga bakalan sanggup nyelametin mata lo kan.
Bumi juga mungkin udah mateng atau gosong kali.
Itulah kira kira maksud dari artikelnya. Maaf kalo ada
kekurangan atau kesalahan disana sini, maklum namanya juga lagi belajar hehehe.
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