
"Kita pasti bisa."

- Fikri, malam tadi.
Aku setuju, kita pasti bisa.



Rasa kita sama banyaknya
Tidak satu berlebih dan yg lain kurang
Rasa kita setara
Semoga selamanya tiada timpang

26th November 2018


Keberadaanku Bagaikan Hujan

Keberadaanku bagaikan hujan;
Yang kau kutuk kedatangannya karena mencuri matahari dari atas kepalamu
Sedang yang lain nanti-nantikan 'tuk membasuh dahaga di dadanya

7th Feb 2018


"Gue pernah ada di posisi lo dan mengambil keputusan yg sama. So I couldn't complain about it. What I believe is, it would lead to something awesome."

- Edo, 78

Edo, I wish everyone think the same way you do, so it wouldn't bother me as much when they looked down on me, calling me stupid for giving up (which I clearly wasn't), or shaking their heads while whispering that I made a rush decision without even thinking about it.

I was tearing up reading what you said because I think out of 42 people in our circle, you're the only one who has the gut to say to me that it is okay to choose a different path. And for that, thank you so much.


"I hate crying in front of people, and this is a fact. So if you ever saw or heard me crying, consider that I trust you enough to let my tears run in front of you in its gloriously weird sobbing and sniffling."

- or winning a jackpot, that's another way to put it.


Daylight Nightmare

Suddenly the sky turns dark, and every shadow ceases to exist. The wind blows and sending chills down your spine as your shoulders start to shiver. A single drop falls from above. And then two. Then three. And before long, all these million little drops are smashing themselves onto the cold hard floor.



Is this real or am I hallucinating?
Or the smell of your presence really does linger here?
On my bed
On my pillow
On my skin
Even the air I breathe smells like you
Maybe tonight I'll sleep better

10th November 2018


Mimpi Semalam

ia perlahan pudar
meliuk bercumbu dengan udara
mengapai-gapai angkasa dengan nanar
berharap masih ada sisanya

yg terselip di sela jari
untuk kusimpan lagi
supaya bisa kuputar ulang
dalam malam panjang

26th September 2018


quarter of a century

When the clock stroke 12 midnight yesterday, it marked the day in which this creature you know so well was brought into the world exactly 25 years ago. She felt grateful that she still got the chance to live this long and hoping to live for another year and years after that.