
2022 Recap

Whew... what a year, isn't it? Does everyone get hammered by 2022? Because I did. 

To put it nicely, 2022 was one of those impossible years that I had. But, to put it blatantly, 2022 was a fucking shitshow full of misery. It was a perfect hurricane of everything going wrong. That's 2022 for me.

However, let's start with the bright side first. Later on, the recap will get more depressing.


"God, please spare me from any misery in 2023, I already endured tons of them in 2022."

- Please. Amen. 


"Beauty will fade over time. People get old, and those faces will never be the same. Don't put your love or interest on something temporary, aim for everlasting things."

- Because time eats beauty for breakfast.