
2022 Recap

Whew... what a year, isn't it? Does everyone get hammered by 2022? Because I did. 

To put it nicely, 2022 was one of those impossible years that I had. But, to put it blatantly, 2022 was a fucking shitshow full of misery. It was a perfect hurricane of everything going wrong. That's 2022 for me.

However, let's start with the bright side first. Later on, the recap will get more depressing.

First, I switched my career at age 28. Yep, you read that correctly. I'm no longer working as a Finance Staff since last April. I am now a Digital Marketing and Partnership staff. That online course I took last year until last February finally paid off. The rhythm is different than when I was still a Finance Staff. I enjoy every second of it and how they expect me to keep my creative brain running, though sometimes it can get frustrating.

There are a bunch of first I have since I switched my career. I wrote my first article and social media content for my company. I felt like flying off the roof when I read my name as the author. I also hosted the webinars, and one of the webinars was already watched by three thousand people! I didn't know that I could host an on-camera event until now. 

Second, I bought a new phone after eight years of using the same phone. Not a brand new in-the-box phone, it's a secondhand phone, but it works just fine. I love you iPhone 5 and thank you for the past eight years, but it's time for you to rest.  

Third, after a long time of wanting to have a nice trip to Bali with Michael, this year I had two. The first one was just Michael and me having our pleasant break from the hustle and bustle of the work. The second one, we went there with Michael's friends. I had such a blast on those two trips. Can't wait to travel more in 2023.

I've always talked about how much I want a flat belly but rarely do anything to achieve it, so Michael dragged me to the gym. He's my personal trainer. And surprisingly, I love going to the gym.

Fourth, I'm sorry I can't tell you yet about this one. But you will definitely find out soon enough. It's exciting news, don't worry. 

Now brace yourself because we are about to enter the depressing part of my 2022.

Do you remember I once told you guys about how I choked in my sleep and feared I was going to die because of the suffocation? This has gotten worse because it could occur for 3-4 days non-stop. With the help of Michael as well, I went to the hospital to get help from a professional for my mental health because I knew this was not normal. And I have been going to the shrink since last June.

And in July, for the first time in my life, I experienced a flood. It was horrible and terrifying. I was alone at home, and my mother was still on her way home from work. The water had risen so fast I couldn't save everything. My mind went blank, not knowing what I was supposed to do. They shut down the electricity because of the flood. So there I was, alone in a dark house. I was crying and calling my mother to hurry up, and I called Michael to come over to help me.

A lot of my stuff was damaged because of the flood. My bed was soaked by the filthy water from the flood, and half of my mother's bed was already filled with stuff she could save. I stayed at Michael's house for two days before they sent someone to clean up my bed.

This flood led to an even more depressing part of my 2022. Fasten your seatbelt.

The flood gave a chance for bugs and other insects to thrive. Specifically, those goddamn bed bugs. So I thought, let's spray the bed with aerosol so those little shits can die. Michael helped to spray them. Then... I turned on a vacuum cleaner because I saw a bed bug escape from the bed. And just like that, BOOM! My room was on fire. I ran outside to get help from anyone, leaving Michael in my bedroom. While they put out the fire, I realized tremendous pain all over my hands and legs. I cried because they hurt so much.

Thank goodness my mother and Michael was fine. So Michael rushed me to the hospital. Michael's feet got burned in a few areas. Me? Well, I got a second-degree burn on both hands and legs. So I had to be admitted to the hospital for immediate treatment. 21/08/2022 was my first time being admitted to the hospital. Ever.

The treatment felt like torture. The doctor and nurses peeled out my damaged skin while I screamed my lungs out because I felt like I was about to die because of the pain. They already gave me a double dose of Tramadol, a painkiller one level below Morphine. And another painkiller they put in my anus. But those didn't work. I begged them to give me the Morphine so I don't have to feel the pain, but they couldn't because Morphine can only be given in the surgery room, and I was not in the said room.

I went home on the 29th of August, looking like a mummy because of all those bandages covering my body.

I'm better now. My legs can stand, I can take a walk around the house, and I can go to the bathroom by myself. Both of my hands can function well. However, since my right leg suffered the most, I still need the treatment to help me walk normally again and do my usual routine with no pain.

And just when I thought my suffering stopped this year, God shook his head and gave me another one. 

After doing all of those measurements to ensure my mother and I are safe from that goddamn Covid-19 virus, on 01/12/2022, I was diagnosed positive for Covid-19. My mother did too, and she already got her fourth vaccine. I already got my third vaccine, but it doesn't guarantee I won't get infected. Michael had his third vaccine, yet he was still infected last March. 

I thought this would be the last one for this month. I was wrong, as always.

One of my cats died on 12/12/2022, her name was Dobby, and she was the littlest one from the bunch, but I loved her just the same. She loved to sleep on a slipper, so whenever I left my slippers in front of the bathroom door, I always found her sitting or sleeping on them. Ever since birth, she always had trouble with the milk from her mother, it made her body grow slower than the others. I was closer to her than the others because no one would play with her since she ran slower and couldn't catch up. I was crying because I saw her dying, and I couldn't do anything to stop her heart from giving out. We buried her next to the mango tree in my front yard.

Whew... I can't believe I survive this far. 2022 was a total shitshow for the last 6 months, but I had a wonderful time from January through June. Looking back at it now, I think 2022 was the most balanced year I've ever had. Thanos once said, "Perfectly balanced, as all things should be," and that was my 2022. But please, no more miseries because I don't know if I can survive another agony. 

Let's hope for better health, a better mental state, and a better life in 2023.

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