
My new skin

I'd be lying if I said that post-fire life is easily managed. No, it's not because today you look fine as usual, but the next day you have all these scars all over your body. My life and my body changed overnight. I had to say goodbye to my old life and entered this excruciating path I must endure. 

It will be a while until I can get back on my own two feet without feeling any pain crawling down inside my skin, and these scars will stay as I go on living. I'd also be lying if I said I like what I see in the mirror because I don't. I want my old skin back without all these bumps, textures, and colors. I want my old life back, my mundane dull life. 

I miss many things, but those I miss the most are all insignificant things from when I was still normal, but now it's everything to me. It's a constant battlefield every day because I have to keep fighting to get back into society, to get back to my old routines, as simple as standing. And it's going to take a long time until I can settle comfortably in my new skin.

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