
Let's not dwell in the past shall we? :)

It is like an old house. Once was a beautiful house, a grand, but not anymore. The roof is broken, the floor covered with dust, the walls all damp, the windows all shattered. It's cold, it's missing its warmth.

It's home nonetheless. So you're still live in it.

You keep the house alive when you shouldn't. You keep the house and everything that lies in it alive. All the secrets, the memories, the darkness, the stories. You put your best effort to keep them breathing, never let them fade away.

It's not entirely the house the reason why you're still staying, it is the familiarity. You let yourself drowned so deep in it so you shut the door from the world, imprisoned yourself when you have the chance to pack your bags and move out to a better house.

Dwelling yourself in the past is just like that, it's a mistake. what happened in the past, stay in the past, you don't have to keep dragging it along the way and interfering with your possible future. That goes for me too actually.

Let bygones, be bygones :)

1.39 am | 28th December 2015

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