
Which one hurts more? #2

Which one hurts more:
Words that left unwritten or words that left unsaid?

They both hurts. One way or another. One holds all the hidden pains. The others contain all the solitary truths. They both have powers, either to enlighten you up, or bury you deep with lies.

Which one hurts more? #1

Which one hurts more:
Words that have been written or words that have been said?
They both hurts. One way or another. One carved with ink. The others sculpted with tongue. They both have powers, either to build you up or crush you down.


Kau datang.
Kau hilang.
Tak pernah pandang waktu.
Semuanya semaumu.
Tak peduli aku telah layu.


Menulis adalah cara yang dipakai hati ketika mulut menolak untuk berbicara. Bukan diri tidak mempunyai keberanian untuk mengungkapkan secara lisan, namun beberapa orang menulis karena tahu lisannya tak akan didengar.


"Human beings make life so interesting. Do you know, that in a universe so full of wonders, they have managed to invent boredom?"
- @scienceporn

We're so fucking creative ;)

This happened to me all the time. All. The. Time.

Me: I'm not going to text him back. EVER. What a jerk! God it hurts so much. Huhuhu. *throw the phone across the room* *sobbing*

Two hours later... (or mostly in my case, one week later, or almost a week, two weeks tops)
"You have one notification."


"Perhaps the reason why we're not entirely letting go is because we still don't understand or figure out the reasons why they did that to us."

- Chairunnisa, still trying to figure out why.

Dozed Off.

To whoever you guys that ever seen me dozed off or suddenly talking about different subjects in middle of the conversation:
Nobody hardly ever take everything I said seriously, why would they? I, myself, don't even know what I'm saying most of the times.


Barangkali beberapa orang menganggap diri kita aneh. Saat mereka tahu kalau kita suka duduk berlama-lama menyendiri di halte atau berlama-lama duduk sendirian di pinggir danau.


Don’t fall for a writer like me

Don’t fall in love with a writer. They will remember everything about you, the good and the bad. The ones you don’t want to remember. The ones you thought that weren’t worth remembering. They will not let any of them go, and they will make sure to tattoo every detail of you on paper, on board or any possible surface.

Menulis Soal Hati

Aku mulai malas menulis soal hati di sini
Aku punya tempat lain lagi
Silakan cari
Lagipula hatiku pun jauh dibawa pergi
Oleh dia yang tak ingin kembali

Eh sebentar,
Tadi kubilang malas menulis soal hati,
Lho tapi ini masih tentang hati ya?

Oh Mirror Mirror On The Wall

I've been talking to myself a lot in the mirror for the past two years. Not because I'm going crazy which is I already am by the way, but because I need a motivation and a confident boost for whatever reasons. Like literally, for any kind of reasons.



Di Kenari, nunggu temen masing-masing selesai sidang.
Ca lu udah kelar revisi?

Belom ngerjain gue.

Sama gue juga belom hahaha.


Mau Hidup Bahagia

Belum berhasil betul aku berdamai dengan diri sendiri,
Sudah diajak pula aku mencari-cari benci.

Maaf ya, aku tolak dulu ajakannya,
Aku ingin hidup yang bahagia saja.



Kabar Hati

Bunyi notif pesan di ponsel berdering memantul pada piring putih yg sedang asik kulahap isinya.
Ca, bgm kbr hati mu?

Aku? Ada apa gitu tau tau nanyain hati


Lungs Collapse In Clouds Of Dust

‘Tween trembling fingers
and quivering lips
vibrant words arise
daunting ferocity,
the best of feelings.


"I think we're all dealing with the same problem just different levels, but the rest are the same. And we're gonna get through all that :)"

- Chairunnisa, trying to stay positive as long as possible. Hehehe.

Dicaci Untuk Mati

Lalu kau kumpulkan semua namaku dilubangi dengan belati
Kau jejalkan ke dalam kotak dengan penuh benci
Mencoba membuatku mati atas caci

PS: ala Chairil Anwar gitu. Hahaha.


"The strongest people are not those who shows strength in front of us but those who win battles we know nothing about. Semoga sibukmu, sibukku, adalah sibuk yang baik, yang mendekatkan rezeki yang baik. Yakinlah, ketika usaha dan doamu terus bergerak menujuNya, DIA takkan diam saja."

- rozizarina
Percaya aja, semua pasti dibuahkan hasil yg baik olehNya :)

Chairun Nisa, S.E. (HOREEEE!)

12.37 waktu Indonesia Bagian Sidang Gunadarma. 

Sejam yg lalu gue selesai sidang. Di dalem sekitar 20 menit lah. Kerjaan gue didalem ketawa-tawa mulu, biar si penguji juga ketawa, biar enak moodnya. Udah kayak orang gila. Salah aja ketawa. Cengengesan mulu deh.



9 jam sebelum sidang. 

Gue masih di kamar Dinda, lagi sama Luna, dengerin dubsmash bikinan Dinda. Materi digelar di depan muka, beberapa udah di stabilo-in, tangan asik ngemilin gulali dikasih Dinda. Semua berkas udah gue siapin, buat penguji juga udah.


"Meskipun ia terlihat indah, sebagian besar dirinya tak lebih dari sekedar ruang hampa."
- infoastronomy


Late Night Absurd Conversation

"Nyoh, what if Pak Prabowo won the election? What would happen yah?"

"I don't know, gue belom pernah ngerasain ada dibawah pemerintahan beliau sih jadi gabisa nebak-nebak."

"Yes I know, but what if? I mean with the economy and all."

"I don't know, beneran ngga kebayang sama sekali karena belom pernah ngerasain."



Dan aku meresapi kata-katamu
Satu demi satu
Menyelaminya hingga tenggelam tubuhku

Lantas mengapa aku merasa pilu?


"Life is so confusing."

- Chairunnisa, after having a life guide lesson with Luna