
Humans and The Universe

You know how humans always look up to the sky and wonder are there others? Maybe that's what our nature truly is, curious. We just can't accept the idea of "We're the only living thing in the universe.". Because the universe is a big place, and it would be such a huge waste if we're the only one in here, right?

And while we're being curious, we sometimes think that we know better than others. So we're kinda feeling a little bit superior. But maybe we do know better, but maybe we don't. It's so easy for us to think that we're bigger than other human beings.

Let's take a look at a night sky. A white dot you see is actually a star or a planet, and probably bigger than our beloved Earth. And there are zillion stars in our Milky Way alone. And we know now that there's a lot of galaxies in our universe. Scientists don't have the exact number of how many just yet. How little humans actually are compared to the universe itself. We're just a small part of this infinite world we're live in. Not feeling big again now do you? :)

"Stars die and reborn. They get so hot that the nuclei of the atoms fuse together deep within them to make the oxygen we breathe, the carbon in our muscles, the calcium in our bones, the iron in our blood. All was cooked in the fiery hearts of long vanished stars. The cosmos is also within us. We’re made of star stuff. There are as many atoms in each molecule of your DNA as there are stars in the typical galaxy. This is true for dogs, and bears, and every living thing. We are, each of us, a little universe." 
- Neil deGrasse Tyson.

So why do we have to see ourselves better than others when we were basically made from the same thing? :)

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