
This might be one of the hardest to write


Sekadar ingin menuliskan keluh kesah, juga segala penat dan lelah.


Saya kira 2019 sudah jadi tahun yang paling berat yang saya lalui, walaupun saya juga tahu sih ke depannya tentunya akan jauh lebih berat, tapi saya ngga nyangka kalau akan seberat ini. Ibarat kayak main game. Saya masih di level beginner tapi rintangannya serasa di level expert. Saya kalut, ngga tahu gimana caranya menghadapi semua ini sendirian. 


Copy that

Okay, I've been on Blogspot since 2011 and I know people usually visit my blog to copy some articles (that I also copied, with credit, of course), for their college assignment, and I am totally fine with that.

However, 10 minutes ago, I was just finished changing my blog address to the old ones, and I searched my blog title in Google to see what kind of result would come up. Then, on the third or fourth page, I saw my blog title but in WordPress. 

Quick note you guys

On a quick and unimportant note:

I changed the address of this blog a while ago out of sheer boredom (the new address was a little bit pretentious tbh), but now I'm changing it back to the old ones just because there are so many digital footprints of the old address scattered in search engines. And I think you guys (whoever you are) are more familiar with the old address, so it'll be easy to find me now.

I suppose that would be all. 

If you are hoping to find a new post to read, well, sorry to disappoint. 


Bad News

Rasanya ngga peduli sudah seberapa sering mempersiapkan diri untuk segala kemungkinan terburuk, begitu dihadapkan pada kenyataannya ya tetap saja ngedown. Mungkin karena dibalik persiapan-persiapan matang itu tanpa sadar masih ada setitik kecil harapan kalau nantinya kemungkinan-kemungkinan buruk itu tidak akan terjadi, makanya persiapan sudah sedemikian rupa tapi masih aja tetap down begitu dengar kabar buruknya.

Lagipula, siapa sih yg siap mendengar berita buruk?