
Write about anything and every little thing


Write about anything and every little thing.

Write about the way light breaks through the trees. About cloudy nights in summer. Write about that coffee you drank this morning and how it reminded you of a deadline you have to finish tomorrow. Write about your pets. Write about how you feel about that movie you just watched and threw popcorn at. About a guitar you just bought.

Write about love.

We sing love songs religiously, so this one should be easy to write. Write about the way his hair goes all over the place at such odd timing. About how you feel when she looks at you when you tell her about your day. About his favorite food and how you can't comprehend why he likes such food. Write about everything you love about them. About too many poems dedicated for them. Or simply write about why you love them wholeheartedly.

Write about sorrow.

How your heart shattered in a million little pieces when they said goodbye. Write about everything you do to survive after the passing of a loved one. Write about how you feel when you have to move to another city and leave your childhood home behind. How that song doesn't sound the same anymore because it reminds you of them. Write about those nights you spent at the hospital because your mother was sick. 


Write about anything and every little thing. Because moments end, people change, and life goes on.

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