
Broken Compass

It's like driving. 

The road starts to twist and turn, birthing intersection here and there. Streetlights are no use for guidance, they dim rapidly. And street signs are nowhere to be found. There's no map to help because it would be cheating, they said. So I just stop there at the red light, watching all the cars around me rushing past.

They seem to know where they're headed. That's nice. I wish I know where I'm going too, so I don't have to wander around like a headless chicken. There's no turning back anymore, whether you take one of those roads, or you're done for. Time will still be going forward whichever you choose, and those cars are still moving to their destination. This road is merciless.

But here I am, unable to move because I don't know where I'm supposed to go, and I can't find my way, like a broken compass. 

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