
Happy, free, confused, and lonely at the same time

I turned 28 on the first day of November which happened on Monday. I dislike Monday a little bit less, only on that particular day. 
Not much happened. My boss has the same birth date as me, so they threw a birthday surprise for him, and I was just tagging along, lol. He brought us Mexican foods from Taco Bell, and good God, I think I shed a tear a little bit because I've been craving some Mexican food since last month.
After the surprise, we went back to work. My boyfriend picked me up at the office, we went to a newly-opened coffee shop nearby. We met some of his friends there as well. My boyfriend gave me a bouquet of sunflowers and a gift in which I was happy as a horse when opening the said gift. He gave me books, and not just any books, but books that I have been wanting to buy again because the ones I had were destroyed by those goddamn termites. 
In all conclusion, I think this year's birthday is a bit quieter than the previous year. But that doesn't mean it's any less meaningful. 
I got older, yet I'm still as clueless as I have ever been. I'm still as confused as ever. I still have no idea which direction I want to take my life in. I still don't know who I want to be. Maybe I have a different timeline than most people my age. Perhaps my timeline is a little bit slower, and although sometimes it can be really frustrating, there must be a good reason why I am where I am right now. 
But I suppose it's okay because no one has ever figured out their life. And the best thing I can do right now is keep going.

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