
How We Knew Each Other

I: The universe moves in its own myterious way isn't it? So if something changed, even the tiny little part in one timeline, the rest of it is going to change too. (What the hell am I blabbering about? It started to sound like sci-fi movie). Like one choice you make is directing you to another scene of life, and so on. (And now it sounds like a scene from a soap opera or from some life-lessons movies). Then if we were in the same town, maybe I won't followed you on instagram or tumblr and any of this conversation would never happen. Everything happens for a reason right? And I like the way we are now.
C: Hahahaha youre right, it sound like sci-fi movies, sounds like butterfly effect, if something changes in the past, the future will changing too. You say you wont be followed me if we are in the same town, but why? Theres something you dont like about the man in your own town? You say it self everything happens fo a reason right?
I: Yes it's like the butterfly effect. Well here's why I followed you on instagram. I followed @explorelombok, why did I follow @explorelombok? It's simply because I'm in love with the island and the beauty of it (and because I've been there). and then I found a cool picture that has your name tagged on it which means you live in Lombok. So if you were in the same town with me, let's say in Jakarta, you were never live in Lombok, probably you were never went there, the picture was never exist, and then you know the rest.
(A conversation this morning involving science fiction movies and the butterfly effect, 27 April 2015) 
It's always been funny how life works. Just because of one click on some stranger's social media and you two can become a great friend who can talk about almost everything. I want to tell you a story about how we knew each other. It's quite unexpected, but I'll tell you anyway. It began with...

Awalnya dari foto itu. Simpel. Dia di tag di foto itu. Gue buka profile Instagramnya terus gue klik tombol follow. Simpel. Kayak yg gue ceritain di percakapan kita berdua. Awalnya cuma karena follow di Instagram. Udah. Kenapa gue follow dia? Ya dibaca aja itu percakapannya. Jangan males ah -_-

Setelah gue klik tombol follow, gue mulai scrolling feeds-nya dia di Instagram. Bagus-bagus fotonya. Ngga heran sih, dia itu kerja jadi fotografer. Dan gue di followback. Terus gue liat dia kasih link Tumblrnya di bio, karena kebetulan gue juga habis bikin Tumblr baru (Tumblr gue yg lama emang udah dihapus, kalo ga salah gue juga pernah ceritain deh tapi kayaknya udah gue hapus postingannya hahahah maafkan, percuma juga gue kasih tau yah -_-) jadilah gue follow juga Tumblrnya dia. Lalu...

That happened. Sampe akhirnya...

Dia minta id Line gue dan kita pun terus berbincang-bincang sampe hari ini, dari bulan Desember sampe Mei. Sayangnya, tanah tempat kedua kakinya berdiri itu berjarak 869 Km dari tanah tempat kedua kaki gue berada. Iya sejauh itu. Itu kalo dia lagi di Malang, kalo dia lagi pulang ke Lombok... Yah dihitung aja sendiri. Jauh pokoknya. Dan gue udah ngerasain jauhnya Lombok kayak apa.

Kalo lagi ngobrol sama dia tuh nyambung banget. Semua diobrolin. Kebanyakan tentang film sama buku. Dia anak film dan suka baca buku juga. We have tons in common. Karena banyak kesamaan itulah gue ngga bosen buat ngobrol sama dia, walaupun umurnya dia lebih tua dari gue (seumuran abang gue hahaha, abang gue lahir tahun '89) tapi dia ngga pernah menggurui gue, jatuhnya lebih ke sharing ilmu.

Sempet ada kesempatan gue buat ke Malang bulan Maret kemaren. Jadi temen-temen kelas pada ngajakin ke Malang. Gue girang banget dong karena gue emang pengen banget ke Malang, dan kebetulan juga dia lagi di Malang. Gue cerita ke dia kalo gue diajakin ke Malang, dia excited banget dengernya. Dia kepengen banget gue ikut biar kita berdua bisa tatap muka. Tapi ternyata semesta berkata lain, gue belum dibolehin buat ketemu dia. Tanggal berangkat ke Malang bentrok sama acara Makrab Lab dan kebetulan gue itu PJ Games terus Makrab isinya ya games semua. Kita berdua cuma bisa nelen air Aqua banyak-banyak. Ga mungkin nelen paku juga kan.

Gue suka kebayang suatu hari nanti gue sama dia lagi ngobrol berdua di cafe atau dimana lah, terus tau-tau ada temen gue dateng dan ikut ngobrol bareng gue sama dia terus temen gue nanyain "kalian berdua kenal dimana?" terus gue cuma jawab:
"Dulu gue iseng klik tombol follow di Instagramnya dia, terus yaudah deh."
And that, people, was the story about how we knew each other.

PS: pardon our grammatical errors. We didn't use proper English.

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