
"Ade jgn lama lama ya disana, cari kerja disini aja." (23 Juni, 19.55pm)

Sepenggal kalimat yg bikin terhenyak malem ini.


"If you keep on writing for three years, every day, you should be strong."




Love even comes in a crazy way lol
This is not even love coy
So what do you call it?
Like when a car hit the wall hahahaha
Itu crash -_-

PS: padahal maksud gue beneran kayak mobil nabrak tembok. Dan gue mobilnya.


Ilusi (?)

Jarak hanyalah ilusi. Awalnya. Sebelum waktu, rotasi, dan gravitasi mengubahnya menjadi realiti. Menjauhkan aku dengan semua yg ada di sana.


self appreciate

How often you give yourself an appreciation after doing something outstanding? Or at least, after you've done a good job? Once in a while? So many times that you almost consider yourself a narcissistic human being? Or perhaps never?

For me, honestly, I never do. But today, I did.


Dia #2

Selalu menjadikanku tandu
'Tuk memangku semua gundahmu
Bersandar pada bahuku
Membagi keluh kesahmu
Meraih tanganku
Kala kakimu tersandung batu


a sudden change

Warning: konten di bawah mengandung 80% curhat, 10% bahasa inggris, 10% tulisan italic.



Jane sometimes I really, really want to give up. I want to just quit my job, pack my bag, and go back to Indonesia. I miss my home, I miss my mom. Sometimes I even asking myself what the hell am I doing here exactly, and surprisingly I'm no longer have the answer. I don't know if I'm happy with my job or even just happy to be here.

Don't give up easily Nisa. It's normal if you miss your home. But you also have to think about your future.


Stupid Question

5 minutes ago
Me: *received a message in Tagalog* ugh, what the hell is this? Hei Jane, what is this mean? (she's my cousin's nanny, a filippino) 
Jane: asdfghjklqwertyuiopzxcvbnm (or that's how it sounded in my ears) 
Me: so? 


Keyboard Attacker(s)

Going into this company, I realize that I will dive into a pool of diversity where there are lots of people coming from different country. So it means there will be a lot of different personalities in this office. That’s interesting, so I was thought. I’ll get to learn so many new things, how is that not interesting? Right? Well, by a lot of personalities, I meant a hell lot. As there are two side of the coins, so these personalities.