
About Life

Life works in a totally unexpected, the most odd and strangest way. You can never guess what happens next. Life always has the best way to surprise us. You'll never get bored.

Remember what I told earlier that life works in a way we can never knew? Well, so there was this one time that I hated this one girl. It's a long story but the point is I hated her. I hated her a lot. And I knew she hated me too. We had a reason of course, it was not like a random hate or something like that. But as the time went by, the hate I felt to her was gone. It was just disappear, just like that *snapping my fingers*. At the moment I just felt so guilty for hated her, and I started to forgave her for every mistakes she did to me. After I forgave her, I felt really good. It was like all those times I was carrying this heavy weight in my chest and by forgiving, it went away. And guess what? Now we became friends. Who would have guess, right? One time we hated each other, the next time we became friends.

Life is a bitch for sure, it turns people's lives upside down, smash them to the side and scramble them until they feel like there's nothing left. But no matter what life has done to us, it always finds a way to surprise us.

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