
I was happy.

27 August,

The sun let out its brightness upon the earth today without hesitation. Clouds merely just a few up there. And here we are, Peter and I, heading to my friend's celebration of her graduation.

We almost late this morning because we both woke up late. But luckily, we still have much time before the celebration started. So we decided to just walk from the station then took a cab although the sun is burning our head like an egg on the pan.

My hand holding a bouquet of flowers, her favorite. There wasn't a lot of argument when Peter and I bought this, because he practically just stood there nodding to every flower I showed him.

"It's beautiful right?" I asked Peter about the bouquet.

"Yeah, they're fine." He answered. "But why do all the girls always wanted a flower? Why don't they just want different things, like, I don't know, socks perhaps?"

And I can't help but burst into a laugh.

"Why do you laugh?" He asked.

"Because you're funny hahaha," I said, still laughing.

He pinched my cheeks a little, "Do I look like a clown?"

And without hesitation, I nod my head aggressively. Now he pinches my hip.

"You know it's very ticklish there," I said as I take a step aside from him, laughing. "And think about this, if we, girls, buying ourselves a flower, it's kind of desperate don't you think?"

Peter shrugged his shoulder a little bit, "Well, a little bit."

"So that's your part," I said to him while we turn left in the corner of the road. Her place is not really far away, just a few more turns and we'll arrive there.

Suddenly he stopped. And I stopped too. I turned my face to him. The next thing I know, he already kneels down on his knee. He begins tying my shoelace. I didn't even know that my shoelace was untied until his fingers dancing on it. I stand very still. My face is now as red as the sun up there. People are watching us, I can feel their eyes on my body. I'm not the type of girl who likes when people are staring at me.

After he finishes tying my shoelace, he doesn't immediately stand up and walk again, instead, he grabbed both of my hands, and his eyes locked to mine.

'Oh God, what is he doing? People are watching us!!!'

"I know I'm not that type of guy who likes to do romantic stuff, like buying you bunch flowers or box of chocolates, or taking you to a candlelight dinner, watching a sunset together at the beach, writing you poems or songs, driving you anywhere with a fancy car, or showing our relationship on social media like our friends do, but I like to do all of those in my own way. It might not be shown the way you expected or even remotely close to those things, but believe me, it's how I like to show it." He said. And I was just like stood there, face all red, mouth all shut, listening to all of his words as he continues, "I know you want all of those, and perhaps sometimes along the way you got disappointed because you didn't get any of that, and I'm sorry. But I like to do things in my own way.".

Finally, he stands up. Before I can say anything, Peter already walks, leaving me behind still speechless about what just happened. I shook my head and running after him. And we just walk in silence until we reach the place.

Peter may not know this but the truth is I never asked for flowers, for candlelight dinner in a fancy restaurant, or even hoping he would write me a song or showing off our love on social media, or any of that romantic stuff. I'm already happy the way we are now.

I'm happy whenever he took me to a small street food stall. I'm happy whenever he said good morning. I'm happy whenever he suddenly showed up in front of my door. I'm happy whenever he hugged me. I'm happy whenever his hands ran through my hair. I'm happy whenever he kissed me on the forehead before leaving. I'm happy whenever I sat in the back of his old scooter. I'm happy whenever we laughed together. I'm happy when he did things spontaneously, like tying my shoelace for example. I'm happy being with him. He already gave me so many things without he even realized it, why would I ask for more?

Little did I know, a few years after, we'll go in a separate way. Turns out, I'm not enough for him, even when I said he's more than enough for me.

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