
Not Cinderella's Pair of Glass Slippers

14th December

"Are you sure?" Peter asked me with a huge question mark hanging on his forehead. By the sound of his voice, I can very much tell that he doesn't like it. At all. Even when he doesn't say anything, it's all there in his eyes.

I shrugged my shoulders, "Do I look like I have an option here?"

He pouted his lips, "I just don't get the whole reasons why women want to suffer their legs wearing this thing." He said while looking at the pair of high heels on my feet.

I sit beside him and put my hand around his shoulders, "Have you heard the terms of 'beauty is pain'? This is exhibit A."

He still pouting his lips, now even harder. "But that doesn't make any sense. Why would anyone risk hurting their feet just to look pretty? The same goes for you."

I take off those black heels, "If this isn't my graduation and I'm allowed to wear my sweet pair of Converse, I would. You know, actually, I can wear them if I want to be kicked out of the Hall the second I entered. Do you want me to miss my graduation?" I asked and looked at him.

"No, I don't." He answered.

"I don't like wearing these too, you know. I'd rather wear flip-flops than these." I said while starting to those black high heels on the floor. But I must admit, those pair looks beautiful. It'll match my dress perfectly.

"But can you really walk with those things on?" He asked, doubting my skill to walk with high heels on.

"D'uh." I rolled my eyes at him.

"Really?" He's smirking at me.

Now he's just teasing me. He never believes me whenever I said I can wear high heels and walk with those things just fine. Maybe because he never saw me wear one before. He only saw me wearing sneakers, flip-flops, keds. But not high heels.

"I'll show you right now." I put the high heels back on, and I stand up with so much confidence in me to prove to him that I can walk with high heels. Then I start walking back and forth like a supermodel. Or so was I thought.

He's just watching me walking back and forth. And when I finished my fantasy runway, he clapped his hands. Still with those disbelief eyes. "Wow." He said.

"Ha! Told you."

"But you know, you have to take a few stairs first to reach the podium."

I know he tried to scare me even more. "That's not a problem," I said. But then I imagine myself climbing those stairs. Climbing up is not a problem, but coming back down the stairs? I'm not so sure.

Perhaps he saw my face because then he said, "If tomorrow you fall from the stairs, I'll be the one who catches you."

Okay, now my heart just flies to another galaxy.

"And laughing at you non-stop after hahaha." He said. I smack his shoulders.

I stand up with those black high heels on my hands. "Let's pay these and eat after I'm starving."

"Haaaahh finally! I'm already starving since the first time we walked into this store." He said, rubbing his stomach. "Oh and another thing, please don't wear that again, you can wear it for, you know, weddings. But other than that, please wear something else."


"It doesn't look like you. I like the way you look with your sneakers, way better than this thing. You look like yourself with those Converse." He said.

"But I'll look prettier and taller with these high heels and with the dress I'm gonna wear tomorrow."

He shook his head, "Maybe, but I like the way you are now, with shirts and jeans and sneakers."

I smiled at him, and a butterfly swarms inside my stomach. Or maybe just my hunger. I didn't know which one. But my heart still not coming back from space travel.

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