
Second Thoughts

Sometimes I wonder what if I turn the hourglass upside down, reset the time before this is all happened. I wonder what would it be like. What if I never went here in the first place? What if I never hopped in to that plane? What if the plane were never took off? What if it were never accross in my mind to coming here? What if I just stayed at home instead?

What if?

And those what if's will only stay as what if, because they're all never happen. Maybe they did in some alternate reality in some alternate universe where I never went here. But in this reality, they never exist for even one second. I don't have such power to turn the time backwards, it's out of my reach. 

So here I am, walking on the path I've chosen, not wisely to be honest. Because I didn't think carefully about the sacrifices, the consequences, the risks, I had to make if I went here. I was just like "Screw it, just go for it.". 

But the milk already spilled on the floor, so I'm better as well just keep on walking than keep standing still, wishing that time would somehow turn back itself because no matter how much I prayed, or I plead, it won't.

My favorite place to escape,
7.20 pm | 8th May 2016

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