
a year older than yesterday

I was just so caught up in the conversation I was having in whatsapp I didn't realize it's not 31 October anymore, and I'm not 22 anymore. It feels like it was yesterday I turned 22, now I'm 23. The next thing I know, I'm probably already 62 years old. I don't know. Probably.

Time does fly so fast, it slipped right through our fingertips without us noticing it. Kind of scary. The faster it gets, the lesser our time. Am I the only one who keeps on wondering how many days I have left?

Okay, okay, I'm dragging you all down to the pit of sadness when I should lift you up up and away instead. Not to mention feeling all gloomy instead of feeling ecstatic because today is my birthday. Um yeay?

I'm not the type of person who gets so hyped about having a birthday. Well, I'm already happy if someone remembers my birthday. If they wished me well, it's a bonus. If I got a present, it's a jackpot. Lol.

So yeah.

A lonely and quiet birthday. Alone in this country. Far from family and dear friends. This is another first time that I should put in my list for 2016, since I've got so many of them already. And I'm still so grateful for each of it, they made me who I am today.

Funny thing is though, I don't feel any different with this new age. I still feel the same, I still feel 22 instead of 23. Not that I'm not accepting that I'm getting older or whatever. Maybe it's because it's only like 35 mins since I turned a year older. So, there's not much difference I can tell.

Well anyway, since I'm not going to celebrate my birthday, I'm just going to spend my birthday in the office, working, trying to survive for the next day. Besides, I don't have my family here to celebrate it with me. Not really celebrate actually, we just eat pizza or pasta. That's kind of a tradition in my home.

So, um... Yeah.
hope you guys all well.

And... Goodnight!

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