
Dancing Lights

It was all so surreal as I stood by the balcony staring at the distant horizon.

You know when the concert is about to start, sometimes they light the fire along the border line of the stage to build up the mood? It was very much like that, but more like standing in the stage, instead of standing in the front row as the viewer.

It started as black, and quiet. And when the first firework bloomed in the center, splashed a little bit of red in the night sky, told us that the concert was about to play. Then the rest of the fireworks followed. They were dancing in the sky along the horizon. There was no rythm, no music, they made their own moves.

I swept my eyes from left to right, absorbing as much as I can so I can treasure it on the back of my mind. And I was standing there right in the middle of people I want to spend the night with. When their shoulders brushed mine, I realize that I wasn't alone enjoying the dancing lights, I wasn't imagining the whole thing, it was all real.

And I couldn't be possibly ask for more than that.

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