
Day 17 - And the winner is...

The human heart is such a strange thing. How one can fit all their emotions into a tiny beating vessel next to the lungs. Love and hatred can exist side by side. It will take a long time, if not forever, to really understand the way it works. 

Day 16 - Damba

Katanya rindu itu berat, ngga akan ada yang sanggup. Untuk pernyataan itu, aku setuju. Merindu sungguh lah suatu hal yang membuat nalar jadi kalang-kabut. Segelas penuh sirup mangga bisa berubah rasa menjadi tawar. Malam cerah bertabur bintang diromantisasi habis-habisan. Candunya mampu mengobrak-abrik tatanan hati yang sudah setengah mati dijaga baik-baik. Ruang kosong jadi terlalu bising. Meratap diam-diam ingin beradu mata dengan yang sudah beda dunia.

Yang dirindukan namanya sedang dibawa terbang oleh malaikat ke surga.


Day 15 - Knock knock? Who's there?

Up until today, 2020 hasn't brought us any good news. To sums it up, 2020 is nothing but disaster and misery. To think that 2020 will be over in a month, it feels like the year went to waste. It's entirely normal for people wanting to run away from all this chaos as soon as possible.

"If you could run away, where would you go?" was the question I have to answer for Day 15.


Day 14 - Outfit of The Day

Gue diminta untuk menceritakan tentang style gue di hari keempat belas ini. Style? Style apa nih? Like, fashion kind of style? Atau style menulis? Style apaaa? Harry Styles? Ea garing. Mari kita asumsikan maksud dari style ini adalah fashion style, biar cepat.

Sebetulnya, gue ngga ada style khusus yang harus selalu gue ikuti. Selama menurut gue itu cocok, dan terlihat bagus di gue ya gue pakai. Gue tipe yang mengutamakan kenyamanan. But, beauty is pain, no pain no gain.


Day 13 - Next Chapter

As a self-proclaim booknerd, which you can ask my friends to testify, when I saw the theme for Day 13 was about favorite book, I thought to myself, "this should be easy." and as per usual, I was dead wrong. This is not easy at all, not even the slightest. I can't choose which of those books are my favorites. There are too many of them!



Day 12 - "It's going to be legend... wait for it..."

"and I hope you’re not lactose-intolerant 'cause the second half of that word is…dary! Legendary!”

For every time I spent on Netflix or any other streaming service, seventy-five percent of it was for watching tv series. There are lots of excellent tv series throughout streaming services out there, ranging from comedies, horror, K-dramas, sci-fi, etc. 


Day 11 - Letter to heaven

Hai Bang,
Apa kabar? Lagi ngapain di sana? Seru ngga? Heaven must be really nice. Say hi to Dad for me please.

Bang, gue ulang tahun lho kemarin, masih ingat kan? Udah 27 tahun gue sekarang, gila ya udah tua banget gue. Kadang gue sendiri pun masih ngga percaya kalau gue udah setua ini. Lo juga ngga pernah absen ngucapin selamat ulang tahun ke gue.


Getting Older (Again)

Rasanya baru kemarin gue bertambah umur, sekarang sudah makin banyak angkanya. Umurnya makin banyak, tapi rasanya masih berbanding terbalik dengan achievement. Gue masih jauh tertinggal dengan teman-teman kebanyakan. Kalau kalimat penghiburnya sih, "Tiap orang kan timelinenya beda-beda."