
Day 13 - Next Chapter

As a self-proclaim booknerd, which you can ask my friends to testify, when I saw the theme for Day 13 was about favorite book, I thought to myself, "this should be easy." and as per usual, I was dead wrong. This is not easy at all, not even the slightest. I can't choose which of those books are my favorites. There are too many of them!


You know what, screw it. These are my favorite books, I hope I do them justice by mentioning them here.

Harry Potter (J. K. Rowling)

I know, I know, I've been mentioning Harry Potter too many times for this challenge, and it may seem like I am running out of ideas. But, this is the very first book I fell in love with. I grew up with it. I remember waiting excitedly for my mother to go home because she said she was going to stop by the bookstore to buy it. 

I remember I spent a whole day drowning my nose in them. As a fifth-grader, I was able to finish Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix in a day. In one freaking day. No joke. Perhaps it was a huge achievement for me as a fifth-grader.

Ulysses Moore (Pierdomenico Baccalario)

The second book I fell in love with. It was about an adventure and also time travel. One of my friends introduced me to this book back when I was still in high school. The moment I finished the first chapter, I was hooked straight away.

For Indonesian translation, the release of this series took quite a long time. The newest release was the seventh or the sixth book out of eighteen books. I lost the first four books to those goddamn termites. I cried. I lost so many books because of those little shits.

If I could ask for more birthday gifts, I just want this book, the first book, until the latest release. That's all.

The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel (Michael Scott)

Another series. This time, while it is still about an adventure, it is also about mythology. The story sets across the globe. If you're a fan of mythology, I highly recommend this book. The story combines every mythology that has ever existed, from Egyptian, Celtic, to Norse. 

While the story was entertaining, it also provides you knowledge about history, with a twist, of course. I think I still have the complete set. But I'm not sure. Those termites destroyed so many of my books and comics. 

Annihilation (Jeff VanderMeer)

The bad decision was not about buying this book, but rather, reading it at dawn, you'll see what I mean when you read it. The book itself is really a page-turning and suspenseful, you cannot put down the book because you always want to know what will happen next. While it is an enthralling read of a science fiction genre, the book also has a creepy creature and weird-ass environment.

The main character is a biologist, so you'll read a lot about biology too. But it's not going to be the same as your school classes. I guess what makes this book tick for me was the mystery, and of course, the suspense.

Sphere (Michael Crichton)

I found this book by accident. The book cover was the reason it caught my eye. And after reading the synopsis, I bought it with no hesitation. Again, another science fiction book. And yes, I love the genre. You should know this by now. 

Same with Annihilation, Sphere provides the same suspense. The story starts off as a science fiction story but quickly transforms into a psychological thriller, developing into an exploration of the nature of the human imagination.

Thanks to this book and having a quite imaginative mind, I developed a fear of a colossal squid. Why colossal squid? Just read the book.

I guess that's all of my favorite books. I still have a lot of titles to tell you guys, but I think this should suffice enough for the challenge. 

See you in another chapter!

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