
An emotional night

Last night after I packed up all my things and stuffs (which is a lot for someone who was just staying there for three years) into boxes, I noticed that this room is now hundred times quieter than it was when Luna left. I could even heard myself thinking. It echoed all over the walls.

And after I took off the pictures on the wall, it felt like I just got hit by a moving train, I realized how much time actually had flown away from the first time we knew each other and become friends. How many stories had been written, and how many memories had been made. When I looked at the flowers they gave me, the very first flowers I've ever gotten. Although they're all now withered and colors all faded but they still look beautiful to me.

And in the end, for the first time, the truth was spread all over the floor. The answer for every question marks that has been floating around in my mind since then. The truth hurts, a lot. Maybe it hurts because I already knew the answer all along but didn't want to admit it before hearing them myself. And I thought I could handle that truth, at least until the minute before I go to sleep, but I just ended up crying anyway. But I didn't regret knowing the truth, because now I can finally go without having to wonder the answer anymore.

I hate the fact that morning was just few hours away. I hate the fact that I couldn't freeze the time for a while. I hate the fact that no matter how much I've begged, the sun will still set anyway and tomorrow turned today. It's funny remember that I used to plead to go as far as I can, and when the wish came true, I want to stay instead.

But the line is already set, and there's no turning back now. So I took my last hug (which I didn't want to let go but the clock said that it was it), and eventually my final glance to everything that has been done, and to everything that is now.

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