
My final gaze

Stay a while,
still gazing the way you move, 
from far
I’m taking it harder now I know, 
Shows coming to an end it seems

Stay a while, 
I’m taking my final gaze you see
Gonna look back this time
I will wander the words again my dear

As I look around this room for the last time, the memories spinning around in the back of my mind like a vinyl record on the old gramophone. I remember every little things that was ever happened and anyone who has ever been in this room.

I remember laughed so hard with my friends I was almost dying. I remember plenty times when I cried quietly in bed. I remember reading novel I just bought until 3 am. I remember strumming my first and my very own guitar I bought from months of savings. I remember when I got sick and couldn't get up from bed for three days. I remember crying for months when I got my first real heartbroken. I remember when his lips touched mine. I remember the day when my phone and laptop were stolen. I remember the struggle to get my degree. I remember singing all day long to my favorite songs without having anyone complained about it.

I remember them all too well.

So this is me, taking my final gaze, whispering goodbye quietly as the car turns to the right and the city disappeared from my sight.

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