
Dear Future Children

I promise to my future children:
  1. I will not use harsh words on you even if you still don't understand the meaning or when you already understand it;
  2. When I'm mad at you, I will never lay any of my fingers on you;
  3. I will love you all my life and soul;
  4. I will not abandon you;
  5. I will not let my activity get in the way of taking care of you even when I'm sick;
  6. I will not constantly stare on my phone when I'm playing with you;
  7. I will make a great teamwork with your Dad to raise you;
  8. I will hold you when you cry like my Mother did to me;
  9. I will always be there for you;
  10. Other than your Dad and my Mother, you'll always be my priority.
I know being a good parents is hard, it's not like you taking care of your pets. It is you taking care of a human being. Your own flesh and blood. It's hard. No one's ever been a parent before, so it will be a whole new experience.

And after seeing people, relatives, and neighbor about how they take care of their children makes me want to be everything they're not. I want to be like Mamah, who always been dedicating her whole life to taking care of me and Abang, who always be the strongest one in the house to work her best to put foods on the table so that our stomaches wouldn't empty, who have successfully sending me and Abang off to college until finally graduate all on her own, who never use harsh words, who always taking care of me even when she sick, who always hold me when I cried.

Mamah is not the perfect Mother, she's still human who makes mistake but as far as I know, she's always been hell of a Mother for me and Abang.

6.41 am | 9th March 2016

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