
Wishful Thinking

I envy the birds. They're not bound by the ground. They can go as far as they want, go to the furthest side of the Earth. They can fly as high as they want, they can touch the clouds. And if they want, they still can fly up beyond that. They spend their life to live up there, in the sky. Gravity has given them its blessing.

I envy the birds. I wish I were one, so that I could fly to the furthest side of the Earth, exploring the unknown land no one's ever seen, distance will no longer be a problem to solve, I could touch the clouds. And most of all, I'll be free from the ground.

But I am not bird, I don't have any wings. I can't fly, I'm bound by the ground, and sky is the place I could never touch. So does your heart.

27th February 2016 | 6.42 pm

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