
21 Reasons Going To The Movies Alone Is The Fucking Greatest

I know that for some people (even some of my friends) said that going to the movies alone was pretty devastating as it sounds. But I have to disagree with that. I am strongly disagree with that! *eyes on fire*. Why? Because it's fucking great, you saw the title right?

Here are the reasons why:

1. Some weeks, life just piles on the shit.

Because, you know, life. 


A Sunflower's Tale

She longed for the Sun. For his bright she always basking in every day. His warmth that always crawling to her fingers down to her toes. His amber shines upon the hills where her body lies.


"Women biggest lie in all history: I'm fine."

- including myself apparently



At office's pantry,
Ms. Joann's birthday party.
A guy from Dev team: How about you Icha, do you have a boyfriend?
Gue: nope.
A guy from Dev team: why?
Gue: because there's no one to be with.


A moth's tale

She enchanted me with her light. Glowing and gleaming in the night's throat. A touch from her fingers can melt the freezing heart. She's the biggest weakness I haven't overcome yet.

"I'm not that type of girl who likes to stand out among the crowd, yet here I am, the one who stand out the most."

- especially on the head part.


Hitam Putih

aku hanya ingin menjadi tinta hitam di atas putihmu,
supaya hidupmu bisa sedikit lebih berwarna dengan adanya aku.
tak perlu melimpah hingga seribu,
cukup satu.

itu pun kalau kau mau.

9.54 pm | 11th March 2016


You might be a genius

Even if you don't think of yourself as intellectually superior, you could possess many of the characteristics shared by people of high intelligence. It turns out many people who are geniuses have personality traits, habits and behaviors in common, like.

1. You are curious about everything.

Do you continually read up on a variety of subjects, follow a variety of blogs and find yourself frequently running to the Internet to look up answers to questions that pop into your head? Geniuses are naturally curious.


The Hourglass

What if we, every living souls on this blue planet we called Earth, were only sands inside the hourglass on His table?


بَدَأَ الإِسْلاَمُ غَرِيبًا وَسَيَعُودُ كَمَا بَدَأَ غَرِيبًا فَطُوبَى لِلْغُرَبَاءِ

“Islam datang dalam keadaan yang asing, akan kembali pula dalam keadaan asing. Sungguh beruntunglah orang yang asing.”

- HR. Muslim no. 145.


Stranded In Mars

When I first moved to this country, I felt like I just moved to another side of the Earth that looked so so so far away, eventhough it was just took 5 hours flight from Jakarta to here, but it felt like a long way from home.


"High School Student"

Di internet cafe langganan ngeprint dokumen sama foto.

Lagi ngeprint foto.

Kuya*: Where are you from? Indonesia? *sambil ngeliatin foto gue* (doi udah pernah nanya sebelumnya dan udah gue jawab juga, mungkin doi lupa-lupa inget makanya nanya lagi, dan mungkin krn gue udah sering kesitu) 
Gue: Yes. 


"Because people grow apart, we're eventually become nothing but fragments in each other's memories. It's hard, but that's life."

- Chairunnisa, a fragment in the corner of your memories.


A Silhouette.

He never knew that he was always the center of her universe before he took thousands of light years away from her orbit, causing a massive destruction in her life. He never knew that every step he took away from her was only made her light slowly fading away into the darkness. 


"Let me know if you're done throwing garbages on me."

- Sincerely, your 'personal trash can'.

An Echo.

And after all the poems, the songs, the rhymes, the tales she had been wrote for none but the same person she always quietly carved his name onto every piece of paper she's ever own...


Survival Tricks In Foreign Country's Public Restroom

Jujur gue bingung nyari istilah yang... manusiawi untuk hal ini. Gue udah google beberapa keyword buat nyari kata-kata yg pas, semisal: "pencernaan manusia", "pembuangan pencernaan". Iya ini berhubungan sama urusan toilet. Oke, mari kita gunakan istilah "urusan toilet" yg gue yakin elu-elu semua udah paham maksudnya apaan aja.


A Princess

9th September

We are closer now, Peter and I. I know we do. What once was only smiling politely when passing by each other, now it's endless text messages from dusk until dawn. He's also spending more of his time to see me. I feel something is blossom in here, deep inside here. I don't know the reasons why he chose me instead of those girls who used to be close to him. But for all I know, he's here now.


Pergi Dulu Ya

izinkan aku pergi dulu~

Yg katanya nunggu 1000 tahun lamanya aja pada akhirnya pamit. 

Lesson learned, ngga semua orang punya batas kesabaran yg panjang untuk nunggu lama-lama. Pada satu titik mereka akan lelah akan penantian yg ngga kunjung datang, akan harapan yg terus berkembang tapi ga juga kesampaian, yg lalu pada akhirnya memaksa mereka dengan pasrah berkata "aku menyerah" pada diri mereka sendiri. #tsahelah

Jadi jangan nunggu lama-lama, percuma, ujung-ujungnya pamit-pamit juga kan?
"Tanpa kamu jelasin pun aku sudah paham. Kamu ngga perlu menjauh, biar aku saja yg mencari cara untuk mundur. Kalau aku ngga bisa mundur, mungkin aku akan melangkah ke samping. Kalau ke samping masih ngga bisa juga, aku langsung terbang sajalah."

- yg jelas ngga mungkin maju ke depan kan?


Scariest Moment. Ever.

Have you ever had the scariest moment in your life? Not ghost kind of scary, but death kind of scary. I have. Just did. Like half an hour ago. It was by far the scariest moment in my life.

So there I was heading downstairs in elevator after doing my regular workout in my favorite place. I thought it was going like every other day, normal, except it wasn't. When it reached 15th floor, it went all funny. Not in a good way.