
You might be a genius

Even if you don't think of yourself as intellectually superior, you could possess many of the characteristics shared by people of high intelligence. It turns out many people who are geniuses have personality traits, habits and behaviors in common, like.

1. You are curious about everything.

Do you continually read up on a variety of subjects, follow a variety of blogs and find yourself frequently running to the Internet to look up answers to questions that pop into your head? Geniuses are naturally curious.

2. You talk to yourself.

This is true. If you’re frequently teased for being caught talking to yourself, don’t worry; this can be a sign of genius.

3. You read constantly.

Many people enjoy reading. Geniuses are nearly obsessed with it.

4. You enjoy challenging your own intellect.
5. You are forgetful.

There is something to the idea of the absent-minded professor. Extremely bright individuals often overload their minds with a lot of complicated things.

PS: maybe, just maybe, I'm not as slow thinker as they thought I am because I think of a lot of things when they talk to me, I might be a...

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