
A Silhouette.

He never knew that he was always the center of her universe before he took thousands of light years away from her orbit, causing a massive destruction in her life. He never knew that every step he took away from her was only made her light slowly fading away into the darkness. 

He tried to bend the time and space so he can turn back the clock, for nobody but his beloved Saturn. Sometimes along the way, the thought of her crept in the back of his mind like an echo made from his foot steps as he traveled the space.

Little did he know, she now turns into a supermassive blackhole, swallowing all the lights, stir them with all the memories of him inside her dark abyss. For once was the center of her universe, now all he is just nothing but a stranger, a silhouette from her past life, in a distant and lonely universe she once lived.

In the light of Saturn's icy ring,
His beloved planet.

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