
Scariest Moment. Ever.

Have you ever had the scariest moment in your life? Not ghost kind of scary, but death kind of scary. I have. Just did. Like half an hour ago. It was by far the scariest moment in my life.

So there I was heading downstairs in elevator after doing my regular workout in my favorite place. I thought it was going like every other day, normal, except it wasn't. When it reached 15th floor, it went all funny. Not in a good way.

It went bumpy. Like a real rough bumpy. Not even the smooth one. And then it stopped. And went down again with that bumpy. I thought it just temporary, and I was wrong. It went on until I almost reached 7th floor. I immediately pressed the 7 button but the door won't open. I panicked. I pressed the help button but it didn't work. Damn it! The worst part is, I was the only one in the elevator.

It went down again, now to 6th floor. Still bumpy and stucked and the door won't open. My head was filled with the scene from I Origin movie where the actors get stucked in the elevator and when the door open, the boy come out first so he can help the girl, but it suddenly crashing down, cut the girl's body from waist down. 

I thought I was going to die. I was so sure that I was going to die, remembering the elevator was like the scene from the movie. My mouth kept murmuring dzikr praying that He will open the door, and I was just stood there in the corner of the elevator because I was freaking scared. And then by His grace, He did open the door on the 5th floor. I jumped out straight away. Waited for another elevator to arrived.

A little tear stood there in the corner of my eyes. My legs turned into jellies when I got to the lobby. I immediately searched an empty chair and just sat there for the next twenty minutes. I wanted to cry so bad, you guys have no idea how scared I was. Even when I was just sat, I still can feel the bumpy.

And now, whenever I have to take the elevator whether it's going downstairs or upstairs, every little, even the tiniest of its movement makes me close my eyes, press my body against the wall in the corner, and the memory of yesterday's horror story creeping back in the back of my mind. I'm no longer can take the elevator the same way as I used to.

7.05 pm | 31st March 2016

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