
A Princess

9th September

We are closer now, Peter and I. I know we do. What once was only smiling politely when passing by each other, now it's endless text messages from dusk until dawn. He's also spending more of his time to see me. I feel something is blossom in here, deep inside here. I don't know the reasons why he chose me instead of those girls who used to be close to him. But for all I know, he's here now.

Suddenly his car stops. I didn't realize that we're already here. I guess I lost the track of time in my own thoughts. "We're here." He said. I nod. I grab the door handler, then he said, "Wait. Don't go anywhere. Sit still."

What? Is the door broken? Is there something wrong with the car? Oh God, please don't let anything bad happen. It's already late, how do we suppose to go home if the car's broken? I know he can fix it but still. That's why you shouldn't drown too deep in your own thoughts, you won't know what's going on.

I watch him walk around the car and stand outside the window and look at me. And suddenly, out of nowhere, he opens the door for me, "Here you go Princess," with that smile of his. I swear if he did this in broad daylight, my face would turn as red as a tomato, and it's not something pleasing to the eyes. So I just giggle a little bit, shy, happy, flying in the air all at once as I come out of the car and stand beside him.

I face him and smile, "Why do you do that?"

He shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know, I just want to."

I asked again, "Do you do this often? To all the girls you've been with?"

And his answer just took me by surprise, "No," he shakes his head, "This is my first time opening the door for a girl."

After that, even the wind and rumbling sky cannot wipe the smile of mine off my face. Women don't like being called a Princess but loved to be treated like one.

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