

At office's pantry,
Ms. Joann's birthday party.
A guy from Dev team: How about you Icha, do you have a boyfriend?
Gue: nope.
A guy from Dev team: why?
Gue: because there's no one to be with.
A guy from Dev team: nobody caught by your eyes? Okay let me introduce you to our eligible bachelors here at the office.
Gue: hahaha you don't have to.
A guy from Dev team: why?
Gue: I don't want to.
A guy from Dev team: you don't want to?
Gue: yes.
A guy from Dev team: why?
Gue: I just don't want to be in a relationship right now.
A guy from Dev team: you're not?
Gue: he'eh, so that I can focus with my job.
A guy from Dev team: you shouldn't working too hard, because if you're working too hard you won't have a time for yourself. And before you know, you already old and still have no boyfriend.
Gue: are you talking about yourself? Hehehe
A guy from Dev team: Wha-
Gue: hahaha joke lang. 

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