
Joshua Hyslop - Everything Unsaid

"Well I'm not who they say I've become for I know the things I've said won't compare with what I've done..."

He's still the same (not really)

Then there he is, sitting on his scooter. I traced every inch of his body, from the top of his hair until his toe. He doesn't change much, he is still the same person I saw on my last day here before that plane took me off.



There was a weird feeling when I swept my eyes to the surroundings. My brain pulled out two different results:

1. It's home.
2. Is it?


it was perfect

Dragging my luggage on the cold grey floor, and I got more and more and more nervous when I saw the yellow exit sign, illuminated the hallway.


Fear of The Unknown

So 2016 is almost end (Whaaaaaat?). I know, it feels like it was just yesterday that I celebrated new year and feeling excited yet so nervous about going abroad. Now, we're close to the end. And I'm home again ehehehehe. Finally.


Master Segala ilmu

So I was just casually scrolling my Instagram, then I found this beautiful yet touching words. Please do read for all of you future mother, already a mother, or whoever seeking for a mother for their future children.

Ibuku gelarnya adalah MSi : Master Segala ilmu.


"You're afraid of something." they/he/she/you said

- aren't we all?


Balapan Jalan Kaki

Berhubung kantor gue ngga terlalu jauh sama apartemen (cie cie tinggal di apartemen sendiri nih sekarang cie cie), jadi kalo lagi irit biasanya gue pulang kantor suka jalan kaki. Sekalian olahraga. Tapi kalo lg capek banget, kerjaan di kantor banyak dan bikin mumet, gue biasanya minta si abang ojek jemput. Kalo jalan kaki cuma 30-40 menit doangan.

Dan hari ini ada kejadian yg tolol aja sih menurut gue. Jadi...

Tolonglah, sajak-sajak dan tulisan-tulisan saya ngga perlu diartikan secara harfiah. Saya nulis bukan buat siapa, atau tentang apa, saya juga ngga ngajak kalian untuk main tebak-tebakan. Saya nulis ya karena pengen nulis.

Sekian. Terima kasih.


"If you're tired, stop walking, take a breath or take some rest if necessary, then continue. It's about knowing when to stop and when to keep on going."

- take a damn holiday for all I care if it'll do you good.


That time when I bought the wrong gift

So, I got these wishlist for exchange gift with my Team:
  1. Bracelet
  2. Books
  3. Travel wallet
I didn't know whose wishlist are these so I put it on the whiteboard we had in the room, put a question mark in number 1 & 2, and this person answered like this:



Ngeh ngga sih kita (kita? lu aja ca sama cicak-cicak di dinding) selalu dikejar-kejar sama pertanyaan "Kapan?". Bentuknya macem-macem, tapi kedatangannya itu udah mutlak tak bisa dielak. Halah. Gue ngga tau semenjak kapan dan dari mana budaya "Kapan?" ini mewabah, tapi si "Kapan?" ini udah jadi hal yg lumrah untuk dilontarkan tanpa paham ada tekanan berat untuk menjawab tanda tanya itu.

Gini gini,


"That moment when you're trying so hard not to cry but then your voice starts cracking and you try even harder to hold it in but you lose the battle when your tears forcing its way out making a puddle in the corner of your eyes, yet you're still fighting twice harder to not let it rolls on your cheeks."

- just give it up already, let it rain.



I think my mother is a superhuman.

No seriously. I think she has this kind of super power or something. For real. Because everytime, every damn time, I'm feeling down, or not feeling good about myself, or I have a problem at work, or problem with someone, she's always come at the right time. I repeat, at the right time. Exactly at the moment. She will send me a chat like this:


"I think that's why they called it a truth, because it's basically just there, even when you don't recognize its existence, or when you keep on denying it, or when you think it doesn't make any sense, or when you don't want to see it, it will still there whether you like it or not, or no matter how hard you try to kill its presence, it will not going anywhere."

- because it's basically just right there.
B: It looks like I'm just slowing you down, right? And I guess if I disappear you'll be doing just fine, instead of just slowing you down and you're staying because you still love me or something which can't be put as a reason

A: I don't know that I need a reason to love someone.

- neither do I.


#intermezzo (Part 2)

IT HAPPENED AGAIN! Oh my God, it freaking happened again!!! Asdfghjkl. It happened yesterday around 9.30 pm, right before, I repeat, right before I headed to work (yes I work in a night shift so shut up -_-). I was just opening my Instagram notification where I just randomly made a video of me doing a short cover of their song and uploaded it.

Seriously, random.