
Fear of The Unknown

So 2016 is almost end (Whaaaaaat?). I know, it feels like it was just yesterday that I celebrated new year and feeling excited yet so nervous about going abroad. Now, we're close to the end. And I'm home again ehehehehe. Finally.

As they say, 2016 is a wtf year since lots of weird and one-eyebrow-raised-events occured. Which were surprised a lot of people because The Great Author (re: God) likes a plot twist. But for me, 2016 is the year of "First Time", because I just keep on adding the list of things I do for the first time in 2016.

Well, there'a saying that "first step is always the hardest", it's true. But then, after you take another step, that first step seems less scarier. Because I think we always fear the unknown. Unknown place, unknown face, unknown feel.

But should we embrace our fear of the unknown and just face it instead of walking away from it? Hm, actually I don't know, though I have faced my own fears, but still, I get scared when another one comes and stand in front of me. Guess that's normal though, like, you know, basic human instinct from the pre-historic time to always alarmed when there's an unknown come closing in. This is not a fact, I just made it up hahaha.

But in the end, that fear of the unknown must be faced because sometimes there's no other option given. So, from what I always said to myself as a self-motivation (not really, it's just my way to get psyched so I won't be as scared):

"screw it, let's just do it."

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