
#intermezzo (Part 2)

IT HAPPENED AGAIN! Oh my God, it freaking happened again!!! Asdfghjkl. It happened yesterday around 9.30 pm, right before, I repeat, right before I headed to work (yes I work in a night shift so shut up -_-). I was just opening my Instagram notification where I just randomly made a video of me doing a short cover of their song and uploaded it.

Seriously, random.

Remember the part where I said I opened my Instagram notification? It's just there, a little bit above the picture. And there was I, scrolling down the notifications, seeing names of my friends and strangers whom I followed because of their feeds (and they followed me back), until I notice something. I swear my eyes just got bigger twice its size when I saw this.


Oh my dear God. My body was litterally split into two, one was still inside my apartment sitting on the bed, the other one was in heaven. It was like winning a jackpot when your favorite band just casually double tap on your video in Instagram. I was in a complete surprised for the fact that THEY SAW ME SINGING THEIR SONG! THEY FREAKING SAW ME!! And they're in UK for goodness sake. They're in the different side of the Earth.

First my tweet, and now this. Seriously, I have never been this crazy about a band. Maybe Muse before. But this is different. It's totally different from before. Can someone just take me to UK? I want to thank them in person. But in a meantime, THANK YOU FOR MAKING MY DAY!!! KEEP ON MAKING GREAT MUSIC!

A best way to start a month.


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