

I think my mother is a superhuman.

No seriously. I think she has this kind of super power or something. For real. Because everytime, every damn time, I'm feeling down, or not feeling good about myself, or I have a problem at work, or problem with someone, she's always come at the right time. I repeat, at the right time. Exactly at the moment. She will send me a chat like this:
"Hello Assalamu'alaikum Ade*... How are you sweetheart? How's work? Everything's fine?"
I would've just said that she just missed me, but the timing is way too perfect, so I wouldn't say that. It seems like she has this kind of telepathy or sixth sense. Is this only my mother or it's a mother's thing? Do mothers all over the world have this kind of power too? Like they can sense when there's something wrong with their children.

Here's why my mother has a super power. If you're living under the same roof with your mother, of course they can tell if there's something wrong with you or when you just seem off. They can tell based on your face, or how you walk, or even from your eyes, because they see you in person. I repeat, in person. But now I'm not living under the same roof with her, I'm in different country yet she still can tell. *gasped*

Everytime she does that, it always surprised me. I secretly wished that she would missed her timing for once, but she never does. That's why I came to my conclusion that:
My mother has a super power, she's a superhuman.

PS: psssttt I think your mom too!

PPS: *Ade in Bahasa means a younger children, it can be use for a girl or a boy.

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